Thursday, April 16, 2009

Napolitano: Wrong About McVeigh & Wrong About Veterans

McVeigh did not use his training in the service to blow up the the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. He learned about making bombs after he left the service.

Napolitano was not only wrong about the millions of US veterans with her offensive memo. She was also wrong about Timothy McVeigh.
Read the whole thing

1 comment:

  1. Napolitano's use of the 1995 Oklahoma City attack as an example of why US military veterans are supposedly a threat to us all certainly is intriguing-

    That bombing was a single event, almost 14 years ago- hasn't Al Qaida staged hundreds of attacks on US interests since then? Why so little mention of them since she was appointed three months ago- isn't keeping a lid on those medieval savages 80% of her job description? Isn't that why the Department of Homeland Security created in the first-place?

    Apparently there is no bounds to what government assets Obama will prostitute for his own purposes... while neglecting daunting, actual threats in the meantime.

    So all who wondered why Obama chose this obedient toady to head Homeland Security now have their answer: a serious choice who would have focused upon real terrorist threats -not imaginary, partisan ones- like, say, a Rudolph Giuliani, wouldn't have been a willing participant in such a sham report.
