Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Big Lie

NY Times Favorably Compares Obama Stimulus Spending to Nazi Stimulus Spending

By Gary Starr for The Neville Awards
April 4, 2009

It had to happen. The NY Times and the rest of the dying mainstream media have been the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party and in the tank for the Fraudinator-in-Chief for so long they will say anything to prop up their guy and hope you will buy it. Every excuse in the book has been used to cover up for this pathetic, cheap Chicago pol that occupies the White House.

Fifty-sixty percent of you, according to the Zogby and Rasmussen polls, are still buying The Big Lie.

So confident still is the mainstream media that you will believe anything they say about Obama, that they can get away with ignoring all of the negative goings-on about this presidential incompetent, that they can and will print anything.

The NY Times finally went over the cliff with its Obama propaganda...they compared Hitler and his stimulus spending in the 1930's to Obama and the Dems stimulus spending over the last 3 months.

Nazi spending included infrastructure, stadium and monument construction, and, most importantly, military spending. "He made the trains run on time" was the sarcastic popular refrain that excused the death camps. Apparently, the NY Times takes that remark seriously. What the Times conveniently left out was that Hitler had supreme power, a secret police force, and had designs on all of Europe. They don't tell you it all ended rather badly in 1945.

In addition, The Times doesn't say anything about Obama's planned ten percent across the board cut in military spending either. The usual liberal sin of omission...leave out the stuff that doesn't advance the agenda.

The NY Times got it partially right though. There are certain parallels between Obama, Mussolini, Hitler and facist progressivism, none of them good. And they are just now starting to become clear:
  • The creepy cult of personality that surrounds Obama.
  • Insane over-spending.
  • Class warfare and the war on Wall Street, corporations and the "rich" the 1930's it was the Jews that were keeping you down.
  • The nationalization of the car, banking and healthcare industries.
  • Obama reaching into GM and firing CEO Rick Wagoner and packing the GM board with his own cronies.
  • The cap and trade climate change hoax...a scheme to sieze wealth by raising energy prices...more sophisticated than the Nazis...they simply seized everyone's bank accounts, jewlery and expensive artwork.
Recall that in the 1920's and 30's progressivism was all the rage in the U.S. Woodrow Wilson was a huge proponent as was FDR. The NY Times shouted Mussolini's praises. Well, what's old is new again. The media has been in the tank for the Dems forever but this article achieves a new low.

Herewith, the ulimate coverup and big lie Obama article to date: Read more

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