Tuesday, April 21, 2009

49% of survey respondents believe Saudi Arabia exports the most oil to the U.S., while just 13% correctly identify Canada as our top foreign supplier!

Our nation is on the precipice of a dramatic change in policy. Given the sweeping nature of the White House's proposals, it is worrisome that much of the Obama administration's agenda is based more on myth than in fact, more on hope than in reality.

The danger of such misguided plans is that, because they will increase the cost of energy, we'll be left with less of it.

American businesses and consumers can ill afford such a path. Rooting public policy in facts and reality is a must if we want reliable, affordable energy.

And given the state of our rising population and increased competition for scarce energy resources, a reliable, affordable energy supply is crucial to economic prosperity.

How much of the American public's energy and environmental knowledge is based on fact? Evidence from a new survey conducted by the Manhattan Institute, with Zogby Associates, indicates that many Americans misunderstand a wide range of energy issues.
Enabling Unrealistic Energy Plans Is A Woefully Ill-Informed Public

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