Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A profile in hypocrisy

"Do we operate under a system of equal justice under law? Or is there one system for the average citizen and another for the high and mighty?" --Senator Ted Kennedy, 1973

AP explains where some of that "well done" earmark moula Obama just authorized will end up (and it's not in your pocket):
BOSTON – More than one out of every five dollars of the $126 million Massachusetts is receiving in earmarks from a $410 billion federal spending package is going to help preserve the legacy of the Kennedys.

The bill includes $5.8 million for the planning and design of a building to house a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate. The funding may also help support an endowment for the institute.
Wow. Wonder if it'll include all this stuff?

Surely not this: ...the State Police Detective-Lieutenant (George Killen) who investigated the accident, said that Senator Kennedy "killed that girl the same as if he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger."

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