Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama: Master of the Bait and Switch (also known as "Shell Game")

...back then [2/9/2009] Obama was pointing out--correctly--that short-term stimulus spending to prompt an economic "recovery" was not the same as a normal budget debate. The rules were different. Spending was the whole point. Now, when it serves Obama's political interests, Obama seems to have changed his mind. Deficits five or more years away are, he now claims, are about "recovery" as well. And all he did was change the meaning of a single word.
Obama Word Games: The Meaning Of "Recovery"

So, anyone who is not FOR his budget is AGAINST recovery...get it? Just like when you don't want the government to forcibly take your money and hand it over to anyone they please (read: potential or existing Democrats) they accuse you of not wanting to "help people" and you are a bad person.

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