Tuesday, March 03, 2009

No class

UPDATE - Classless Obama Gives DVDs To British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The Obamas have no class.

Downing Street was left scrambling to avoid a diplomatic embarrassment today after the White House ruled out a formal press conference to mark Gordon Brown's first formal meeting with Barack Obama.

Officials denied the Prime Minister was being snubbed after it emerged that the new president would not make himself available for the traditional joint appearance before the White House media.

Mr Brown's aides are trying to make the best of what is a distinctly low key visit compared to the family hospitality lavished on Tony Blair by George Bush when they met for the first time.
And then there's that bust of Winston Churchill...
Behind Mr Obama's shoulder was the bust of his hero Abraham Lincoln which replaced a bronze of Winston Churchill presented by Tony Blair to his predecessor George Bush and removed shortly after the new president took office...Fears that Mr Obama may be less interested in the so-called special relationship between the U.S. and the UK were fuelled when the White House announced it was returning a bust of Churchill lent to George Bush by Tony Blair.
Where's the beef?
Although Mr Brown's wife Sarah flew to Washington today to join her husband, there were no plans for the two couples to meet and she will instead have a brief one-to-one meeting with Michelle Obama...Apart from a separate meeting with Vice President Joe Biden, there are no other events planned...The Obamas are not holding a dinner for the Browns, and the Prime Minister will not be hosting a reception or dinner at the British embassy.
Our former President and his wife were gracious and provided a warm reception and dinner to the Brown's predecessors (the Blairs).

President and Laura Bush were like a four star hotel.

The Obama's are like Burger King.

Downing St left embarrassed after President Obama scales down first meeting with Brown

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