Sunday, March 22, 2009

My favorite Twilight Zone show and how it relates to Obama

The Neville Awards writes today:
During the campaign Obama spoke of needing "a civilian force just as powerful as our armed forces". While everyone is looking in the wrong direction and getting their collective undies in a wad over AIG bonuses, the House of Representatives has quietly passed it's version of the 'Brownshirt Act' that supporters are calling the most sweeping reform of nationally-backed "volunteer" programs since AmeriCorps.

But some opponents are strongly criticizing the legislation, calling it expensive indoctrination and forced advocacy.

Known as the GIVE Act or Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, -- sponsored by Reps. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y, and George Miller, D-Calif. -- it was approved by a 321-105 vote and now goes to the Senate.
And then:
The Senate is working on a similar piece of legislation, the "Serve America (To Serve Man) Act," sponsored by Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Ted Kennedy, D-Mass. It was given a special endorsement by the president in his address before Congress on Feb. 24, 2008.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you...

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