Sunday, March 22, 2009

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano wants to "move away from the politics of fear"

...and Obama just sent a nice video to Iran.

Read the following, watch the video.

Then, PLEASE, tell me if you feel safer with our new administration:

Kuwaiti Professor Abdallah Al-Nafisi
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) February 2, 2009

How to kill 330,000 Americans in one hour with 4 lbs. of anthrax...9/11 will be small change...or, hey, how about the White House!

And don't forget the Jews:
Allah stated in the Koran that the hostility between us and (the Jews) is eternal. So whoever talks about dialogue - cut off his tongue! What dialogue are they talking about?! There is no room for dialogue. Allah said that our hostility toward the Jews is eternal, and then along comes someone and talks about brotherhood and so on...This contradicts the Koran. Anyone who contradicts the Koran is an infidel. Accusing people of heresy? Yes, I'm all for it. Yes, I support accusing people of heresy.

...there are voices [in the Arab press] expressing doubts about the leaders of the resistance. We must confront these (journalists), and prevent them from continuing this, even if it means calling them over the phone, and saying to them: "Do not repeat these despicable things, in your columns or your articles, or else we will take the following measures against you."

We must resort to pressure with these people. We must not remain silent. We must not leave them to their own devices, under the pretext of freedom of expression. This is a fifth column.

I, Abdallah Fahd Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Nafisi, am inciting you to confront, using any means possible, anyone who speaks out against the resistance. "Any means possible" - get it?

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