Monday, March 23, 2009

Federal Judge forgets about First Amendment: Sends US Marshalls to man's home

Reminiscent of Jessica Hughs' visit by the Secret Service Federal Judge James Robertson sent US Marshalls to Jesse Merrell's home:
After Federal Judge James Robertson dismissed his request for Barack Obama to prove his Hawaiian birth, Merrell shared his sentiments in writing with Judge Robertson:

"How dare people use a flimsy thing like the Constitution to darken your sanctimonious door!... The insane idea that a blue-gum baboon slashing our Constitution has to prove U.S. citizenship – as our silly old Constitution demands – is too absurd to consider in the sacred chambers of the tiny tin gods of the Potomac, adorning the royal purple and sipping Jim Jones Kool-Aid.

"Thanks to smug, slimy shysters like you, Obama gets a free ride – snootily stomping on our foolish Constitution, which supercilious idiots like you have long ago shredded for their own stupid opinions!"

Instead of celebrating Merrell’s First Amendment right, Judge Robertson dispatched US Marshall’s to Merrell’s home.
Former police officer and private investigator Clark Baker reports here.

CORRECTION: My first version of this post incorrectly stated that Jesse Merrell was a woman.

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