Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Dr. Orly Taitz on radio today (Wednesday, 7pm EDT/4pm PDT)

Famous for being the principal attorney behind the Alan Keyes lawsuit against Barack Hussein Obama, she was born in the Former Soviet Union and is the founder of the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation.

See letter from host at bottom where he states: "I am particularly fascinated by the volume and nature of the information in your letter to Eric Holder. My partners at NMATV (one of whom is a former Fox producer) want to do a documentary on this case and your work on it."

Dr. Taitz will appear Wednesday night on Evil Conservative Radio on WVOX-1460AM in NYC and streaming here ( at 7PM EDT/4PM PDT to give an update on all the developments with the cases against Barack Hussein Obama. She'll discuss the letter sent to Attorney General Eric Holder today, and the brave stand taken by 1LT Scott Easterling and more than 100 other retired and current members of our military. All are asking the same question - is Barack Hussein Obama constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States? Don't miss this live update on the case.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:05 PM
"Evil Conservative"

Dr Taitz-

I'm looking forward to having you on the show tomorrow night to give an update on all the developments since your last appearance. The call-in number is 914-636-0110, and the call-in time is 4:19 Pacific time. We'll be done by 4:32 PDT at the latest.

I am particularly fascinated by the volume and nature of the information in your letter to Eric Holder. My partners at NMATV (one of whom is a former Fox producer) want to do a documentary on this case and your work on it. Would you be interested in that? I'd like to blow the lid off Obama's serial mendacity... and I'm excited about the opportunity to do so.

Thanks in advance for coming on tomorrow night. It'll be a great segment. And thanks for all your work. More of us are praying for your success every day.


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