Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Call to action: The WHY Initiative

There once existed a “fringe movement” comprised of people who were publicly ridiculed for their specific and firmly held conviction—a conviction that ran counter to the generally held beliefs of their time. As staunchly as they embraced what they knew to be truth, it seemed no less than futility trying to sway the vast majority to accept, or even consider, that knowledge. The institutions that controlled the dissemination of public information condemned these “truth bearers” as unworthy of the slightest civility. It even became dangerous to attempt to convince the masses that these contentions were, in fact, truth—so dangerous that one of the group’s leaders was eventually imprisoned for openly sharing his viewpoint, and then placed under house arrest for the remainder of his years.

Is this how history will recall us—the “birthers” of the early 21 century? If it is, then it will likely be part of the account describing America’s demise. This portrayal certainly looks accurate regarding what we’ve experienced, except for the leader’s imprisonment. But, the “leader” to whom I am referring was Galileo Galilei, and the fringe movement of his day was the heliocentrists—those who believed the earth orbited the sun, and not the other way around. Just because society considers beliefs that run counter to the understandings of the gullible masses to be “fringe” or “conspiracy theories,” doesn’t mean that those beliefs are not true. The earth continues to orbit the sun.

There is a group of people, who rely on us to retain their jobs, who have still not provided truthful, informed answers to our questions about Mr. Obama’s eligibility to be president—the members of Congress. While a very nasty bug has kept me pretty silent for more than a couple weeks, I feel I have now recovered enough to once again remember just how angry it makes me that these folks have arrogantly dismissed us as lunatics—and they are supposed to be working FOR us!

So, The WHY Initiative is now being implemented in full force. Citizen Wells and I finalized it today, and we are ready to begin a new barrage of inquiries into the offices of our elected officials in Congress.

Here’s what we’re asking you to do: call, write, email, and/or visit the U.S. Representatives and Senators in YOUR state only. Believe me, since they view getting re-elected as their most important job, they are really only concerned with keeping their constituents happy. It does very little for someone in Ohio to contact an elected official in Kentucky—there’s no vote involved there, so the Ohioan means nothing to the Kentucky official.

We’re NOT asking for them to send you an answer to your request—we’ve already been sickened enough by their moronic lies. No, all we’d like you to request of them is to enter into a dialogue with the representatives of our movement. Citizen Wells and I will determine who will speak with any of them who appear willing. In that dialogue, the question to which we’ll be trying to obtain an answer will be “Why didn’t you ask for proof that Barack Obama is a natural born citizen?” We know they just HAD to have had a reason. We’d now like to know what it was.

Here is a sample letter you can cut and paste, or you can take the specifics of it and write your own letter.


Dear [Elected Official]

As you undoubtedly know, there are many people across the country who are aware and disturbed that Barack Obama has refused to provide proper documentation to prove he is a natural born citizen as required by our Constitution. After the general election, many of your constituents communicated with you asking that you request a proper investigation into the matter, but you chose not to.

I am not asking you to provide more of the same debunked misinformation and deception with which many representatives and senators chose to reply to those previous requests; they were lies then, so they’ll continue to be lies. What I am asking is for you merely to have a brief dialogue with the representatives of our movement to answer a simple question: Why didn’t you ask for the proof that so many of your constituents expected to be provided? Why did you think Barack Obama was constitutionally eligible to be president? Did you rely on the media for your decision? Did you just trust snopes.com and factcheck.org? Did you just believe that nobody could have ever been elected president without being properly vetted at some point in the process? Were you threatened? Were you provided with some communication directing you to ignore the inquiries?

Through this initiative, The WHY Initiative, those in our ever-growing movement are committed to two things regarding the elected officials who will not provide honest answers to their constituents: we will refuse to financially support any of their efforts, and we will work to see that those officials are removed from office through the election process. That would seem a steep price for you to pay when the alternative would be such an easy thing to do. And, we are not interested in speaking with any of your staffers. These answers should be answered by only you.

I don’t know about any of the other members of Congress, but I have confidence that you will be able to provide a legitimate answer to that question. In fact, I have such confidence in you that I am expecting you to do so.

To make arrangements to provide your answers, please make contact at either of these email addresses:

Citizen Wells: citizenwells@gmail.com

Dean Haskins: dhaskins@restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com

Or call: 434.525.1479

Thanking you in advance for your timely and forthright response.





Here is an online resource with contact information for each state: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/

Next, we’d like you to keep us posted about the contacts you are making, but rather than trying to keep up with, and categorize, countless emails, please keep us updated by posting your progress on our forum: http://www.restoretheconstitutionalrepublic.com/forum/index.php. If you haven’t registered, please do so—it’s quick and painless. There is a board on the forum labeled “Individual State Boards.” Once there, you’ll see your state’s individual board. Please post your updates there. If you would be interested in being a coordinator for your state, please let us know.

I would just like to express my gratitude for the many kind sentiments I’ve received while I’ve been ill. I cannot ever remember being so sick for so long. I am profoundly encouraged by how many of you are choosing to remain steadfast in this battle, and it is your mettle that gives me the desire to step back into the ring and fight for all I’m worth.

We WILL be heard!!!

God bless each of you.

Dean Haskins

Chairman, Restore the Constitutional Republic

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