Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why Liberals Support Islamic Terrorism and Oppose Self-Defense Against It

This is an important article. The excerpt below reminds me of some comments I read yesterday about Polish geologist Piotr Stanczak whose beheading by Pakistani Islamic terrorists was so horrific that many news outlets refused to provide the video. Several people defended these monsters by saying they were just responding to actions of the West (i.e. the bombings--now by the Obama administration--that injured civilians...as if that was the intended goal of the military). So, believe it when you read the following because, if you read a lot of comments, you will see this attitude over and over again:
Why then do liberals prefer “Grievance based violence” to the right of self-defense?

The right of self-defense presumes a right inherent to the individual and the nation. Liberals routinely reject both individual and national rights in favor of group and class rights. Liberals are also biased against acts of rational self-interest, in favor of emotional expressions of outrage.

Where self-defense is often defined by liberals as a form of entitlement and class privilege. “Grievance based violence” by contrast is treated as a response to intolerable oppression, and an expression of the underclass rising up. Since in the liberal worldview, violence is divided into oppressive and revolutionary violence. Oppressive violence is a function of class privilege, where revolutionary violence is a form of revolutionary justice. So that in the liberal calculus, the middle class homeowner protecting his house from a mob, is practicing “oppressive violence”, while the mob is practicing “revolutionary justice”.

Understanding this is the most vital part of understanding liberal morality, or lack thereof. Class or group status, defines whether violence is legitimate or not, in the eyes of the liberal.
Please read more.

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