Sunday, February 01, 2009


On July 2 in Colorado Springs Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said this: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." [Emphasis mine.]

Don't believe me?

Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan For Universal Voluntary Citizen Service

This, for those who know history, brought up concerns about the famous Hitler "brownshirts" whose violent intimidation of political opponents and of Jews played a key role in Hitler's rise to power. (I can hear the lefties out there pooh-poohing, immediately, any connection between their Dear Leader and Hitler...but who have been blithely comparing President George W. Bush with him.

But newer, more recent developments are tweaking the nerves of those of us who know what a catastrophe personality-based politics has always become in any country that has ever succumbed to it:

Bill creates 'Nazi' camps in U.S. for 'emergencies'

Obama's Lawyer Consolidates Power

Joseph Farah of World Net Daily explains these concerns succinctly in his October, 2008 commentary Obama and his brownshirts:
One historical fact that has eluded most Americans, thanks to the illiberal education they receive in school and from the infotainment media, is that fascism has always been popular among so-called "progressives" – despite their tendency to mislabel and mischaracterize their political opponents as followers of the national socialist ideology.

Benito Mussolini was nearly worshipped by the left in his time. It was only Adolf Hitler who gave fascism a bad name with progressives – and then not until he broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact with Josef Stalin and their adored Soviet Union.

That's why I fear fascism today much more than I fear communism.
Because so many people know so little history, they make ludicrous statements about George W. Bush being "like Hitler..." but they have yet to see anyone they know (or have heard of) being dragged off in the middle of the night! But know this:
One thing very important to understand – fascism is not a right-wing ideology; it is a left-wing ideology. It always has been and always will be. It is about statism, not individualism.
And here's something a lot of people (conveniently) didn't hear about due to the way the "slobbering love affair" that the media has with Obama:
We got a whiff of this kind of fascism in Missouri last week when Obama partisans in various law-enforcement capacities pledged publicly to use their official police powers to go after anyone they believed to be unfairly portraying their candidate in political advertising...In other words, they decided to throw the First Amendment out the window.
Folks, I do have a life (and a job) so I can't go into great depth on this. But I do want you to stay aware and keep your eyes open.

There are people in this country who are taking all of this very seriously and, while not wanting to do anything that is against the laws of our great country, have taken the position expressed in one person's recent email:
As I have mentioned on some past posts...I'm moving on to a new mission that will force me to go "underground" on Sunday, Feb 1, 2009 because of the sensitive nature of the objectives and tactics concerning citizen militias. Be assured that all will be done according to high ethical and legal standards.

I can share, however, that the main short term goal is to assist in stopping any attempt to forcefully confiscate guns...everytime they try to raid a person's home...some militiamen/women will respond to that immediately and use force if necessary in DEFENSE of our 2nd Amendment rights....This is a warning to all Obots and persons who attempt to destroy our 2nd Amendment rights. You will be seen as DOMESTIC ENEMIES of the people. If you wish to communicate with me after Sunday, do so via snail mail as I will NOT respond to unsecured communications. God bless and keep you...

Please, take care.


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