Saturday, February 14, 2009

President Obama: Half Right

President Obama, a smart man, says that tax cuts for the wealthy are the main reason we're now in such economic trouble. Someone needs to tell him how utterly — and dangerously — wrong that is.

"We have tried that strategy time and time again," the president said Monday of "tax cuts for the wealthiest few Americans," and "it's only helped lead us to the crisis we face right now."

Well, he's half-right: We have tried it again and again. But rather than create crises, economic growth has been restored. The evidence is pretty much beyond dispute.
Get the evidence here


  1. It is an incredible shame that the president has made no mention of sending any of his stimilous money to help the Veterans Aministration give disabilty benefits to the very people who have fought, and suffer still with bad health and lack of money to keep them going. THEY are the reason we are FREE. This isn't a recession, it is a depression.

  2. It must be, considering the state of our economy and it being a me, me me society and people not wanting to focus on all the things that affect how tall and strong we are able to stand in times of crisis, that make Americans ignorant of the the reasons they still have the right to be free, freedom of speech, and taking care of our own. Our Veterans. But gee America keep doing what we the people and our government always does, ignore them. "Thanks for fighting for us but you are on your own"
