Thursday, February 26, 2009

More and more in our military are joining in the lawsuit to prove Obama's eligibility

Dr Taitz,

Please insure that I filled out the consent form properly, and let me know in any way that I can assist. I am still in the process of leaving the Active Reserve, and dropping to Inactive Reserve Status. I started this before Mr Obama was sworn in because I could not in good faith defend the Constitution and serve under him at the same time. My goal is to return to serving our country in the military, but cannot do so while he is occupying the Oval Office. It was apparent that the only way i could trully keep my oath was to join the battle on the civilian side within our own borders. I would like to offer any assistance I can, and will remain at our Country's service until our Constitution is restored.

SSgt Brian A Keith
United States Marine Corps

SSgt Brian A Keith USMC Joins Military Action

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