Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A lawyer's frightening true story about challenging Obama

Leo Donofrio has been at the forefront of the fight to have President Obama and John McCain prove their eligibility to become President. Obama has resisted to the utmost, having among other things, hired teams of high priced attorneys to defeat… all on pure technicality and not merits… his having to prove he is a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ as the Constitution’s Article Two, Section One says he must be. Obama refuses to allow any proofs to surface that he is even a United States citizen in any way. Should Obama be an impostor, then everything he signs, from executive orders to congressionally passed laws, is null and void and we are as a country, in deep trouble. The consequences could be near fatal to the Republic. The following was excerpted from Donofrio’s post at citizenwells.wordpress.com of February 2, 2009.

(Leo C. Donofrio, Esq. is currently admitted to practice law in New Jersey and in Federal District Court.)

On Nov. 3, 2008, I went to the Supreme Court of the United States to file my application for an emergency stay of the national election. I took a Greyhound bus from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. because I was afraid to use Amtrak where I would have had to present ID for a ticket. I took that bus to the Greyhound station in Washington DC and walked from there to Union Station.

I felt that my life was in danger because I knew that if I could get my case filed before 4:30PM, there was a chance, a remote but genuine chance, that if the SCOTUS rules were followed, my case could stop the general election. As you [may] know, the SCOTUS rules were not followed when a clerk tried to overrule the SCOTUS precedent from McCarthy v. Briscoe.

I had previoulsy felt the evil operate against my case in the NJ Appellate Division where I experienced sabotage I never thought possible. I felt the full force and power of the cult as it tried to stop my case from having proper procedural ground to move on to SCOTUS.

In the days leading up to Nov. 3, 2008… my cell phone and that of a family member were subjected to treachery that only somebody with serious power could have accomplished. Because of the dual attacks upon my sanity, I came to Washington D.C. with fear in my heart, but I was not about to stop. Nothing short of a bullet was going to stop me from filing that application on Nov. 3, 2008.

On the Greyhound bus to DC, I had made a plan to pay for a tourist trolley ticket to take me one stop from Union Station to SCOTUS. I figured I would be safer blending in with tourists rather than being alone.

Before leaving for DC the night before, I died my hair blond, shaved, put on rock and roll clothes and stuffed the copies of my application in a hole through the pockets of my jacket which hid the documents in my back.

I looked nothing like the attorney who had been in the Hughes Justice complex all week in New Jersey.

But I made one mistake.

I had my electronic passport in my sneaker. I walked into Union Station to purchase a $35 trolley ticket and probably set off an RFID tracker.

I waited outside of Union Station for the trolley. At approximately 2:45 PM, just after I had purchased my ticket inside the station, I was sitting next to a white homeless man with a grey beard in his 50’s. He had two shopping carts full of clothes, food, radio etc., apparently his life possessions. We were the only two people sitting on this stone circle just outside the station. Suddenly, the homeless man starts gibbering some kind of weird code. He sounded like this,

“Echo one four two seven, target is in the building, repeat target is in the building…”

Then he paused and I looked up and a big SUV had pulled up right next to us, and two BIG mofos in yellow gold shirts got out of the SUV, opened the back door and started putting on body armor and packing mega heat… all the while they are scouring the area for the “target”.

The homeless man is talking to them through a device in his battered shirtsleeve,

“No point in wasting time, I want to get paid for this, target is in the building… Ok, but I thought you might want to just get the target, repeat — target is in the building, target is in the building. Stop wasting time out here.”

He was mixing in code talk with things I could understand.

Finally, these Blackwater types in yellow who had no badges or official insignia head into Union Station carrying full weapons.

I’m having a heart attack. They looked straight at me at least twice but I looked like such a clown. If they were looking for the brown haired bearded intellectual looking lawyer guy who was in court that week there’s no way they would recognize me with shocking platinum hair in my face, a dayglo blue jacket, flared jeans and trainers.

I also had no visible paperwork with me. It was in the back of my jacket and my back was pressed against the stone circle.

When they entered Union Station, the homeless guy turns towards me and hits a button on his cell device and suddenly he’s on speakerphone. The conversation is between him and some woman wherein he’s trying to get confirmation that his payment has been credited to his account. He gives me a sly look, and with that my trolley comes.

I get on the trolley and open my tourist brochure to cover my face. Then I have to sit there for five excrutiating minutes while various people discuss with the driver whether they should take the tour tonight or tomorrow. Honestly folks, I thought right then and there, “Your life aint worth —-, Leo. You are a walking dead man.”

When I finally got to the steps of SCOTUS, I was prepared to have my head blown off walking up those steps. I was a —- mess. Seriously. The paranoia was so intense. I even asked for official protection.

I don’t know if they were just trying to scare me, really meant to take me down, or if it was all a coincidence. I’m sure there’s a video tape of it somewhere. This is 100% true.

After the case was filed, I was followed for weeks. I had choppers over my home every night for hours. It was the typical black helicopter story in spades. But my whole family witnessed the choppers night after night.

The cult knew my case was strong. And it eventually got on every major news network and brought the one issue they had kept silent to the forefront of the nation — the fact that Obama [is not a 'Natural Born Citizen'].

OK, so now he’s POTUS. Many people voted for him. The messiah vibe is an archetype people are prone to fall for. But Obama is not the Messiah.”

Leo has gotten out. He leaves what remains to citizens like us. His website is: http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com. You will find there useful information on the power of (federal) Grand Jury ‘Presentment’, which may be the way… perhaps the only way… to get to the bottom of our deepening Constitutional crisis now being buried by higher-ups.

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