Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just good old-fashioned Chicago thugs

Rush fleshed out thugacity last November:
We finally found out last week the root of the word thug: a bunch of renegade robbers and murderers in India known as the Thuggees. They would befriend people traversing the countryside. They would walk with them, offer to help them (this goes back to the seventeen, 1800s) and they'd befriend them and make them think they were allies and help them in any danger -- and after they'd befriended them while the Thuggees would rob them and murder them and rape them and so forth, and move on down to the next unsuspecting bunch of people. So the Thuggees -- it's thug with two E's on the end, the Thuggees -- actually forms the root word and the origin of the word thug. I don't like admitting to copying people, but I must tell you I got this from Clinton during the primaries.
But Riehl World View pins it down hard for all of us here in Obamaland: it demeans the office and raises serious concerns as to whether these people can be trusted with the power they now have. Joe the Plumber and Rick Santelli are our modern day heroes who will, if you let them, lead us out of the darkness.

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