Friday, February 27, 2009

Iran slams Obama government at U.N.

Obama said this wasn't going to happen after HE became President.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran went on the offensive against the Obama administration on Thursday, accusing Washington's new U.N. ambassador of making the "same tired" accusations against Iran as the Bush administration.

In a speech to the Security Council during a session on Iraq, U.S. envoy Susan Rice reiterated charges of Iranian support for terrorism and attempts to develop nuclear weapons, saying the United States sought an end to both policies.

"It is unfortunate that, yet again, we are hearing the same tired, unwarranted and groundless allegations that used to be unjustifiably and futilely repeated by the previous administration," Iran's envoy Mohammad Khazaee said in a letter to the council's president, Japanese Ambassador Yukio Takasu.
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