Monday, February 02, 2009

He's shy, but he's smart

As I told you before, I am a member of SFVRC (San Fernando Valley Republican Club). We have a new member who is a financial analyst in the film industry and he was kind enought to add his two cents (as he put it) to a previous post (called "Signs").

I guess he was too shy to post his comment :-)
As you say the Nazi Party was definitely Socialist. NAZI in German is short for Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei or National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The primary difference between Communism and Fascism is Communism owns all industry, whereas Fascism controls all industry, i.e., dictates to industry what they will do for the good of the state.
And, he was kind enough to provide some more sources to flesh out the evidence provided of Obama's (and Michelle's) need to control all those horrible people (us) that made them so ashamed of our country:

On November 15, 2008 AMERICAN THINKER wrote this article Obama: Fear and the Security Force detailing how this "Universal" (but still "Voluntary") -- got a brain freeze yet? -- plan will unfold.

Much more is contained within "The Audacity of Socialistm" an IBD EXCLUSIVE SERIES

Here's a quote from one of the articles called "Michell's Bootcamp for Radicals": Big Brother had nothing on the Obamas. They plan to herd American youth into government-funded reeducation camps where they'll be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of "social change."

And another one explaining the "brownshirts": Obama Wants You ... and boy, does he.

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