Sunday, February 08, 2009


...Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating that is (the Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve).

Right after his Inauguration it was +29...last week it was it is +11.


It's no mystery why this is happening. Instead of the fantasy he spun (in order to get a lot of fools to vote for him) about how he will govern in a bi-partisan way (as Peggy Noonan recently said, that will never happen and is a stupid idea anyway) he did the exact opposite and is trying to jam the biggest, fattest, pork sandwich (made by Nancy Pelosi because Obama doesn't have any experience) down everyone's throat.

Mr. Obama is now endorsing a sort of reductionist Keynesianism that argues that any government spending is an economic stimulus. This is so manifestly false that we doubt Mr. Obama really believes it.

Contact your representative (scroll down and click on CONTACT THE U.S. CONGRESS and WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE underneath the Government & Policy category) and tell them NOT to support this lunacy...please, there is still one more day you can speak out!

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