Friday, February 13, 2009

Commerce Department unilaterally lifts some sanctions against Syria

President Obama will soon be singing this song, I am very certain.
What kind of a fool gives something away without getting anything in return? We are dropping some sanctions against Syria not because of any change in the regime or any indication at all that they have changed their behavior but because, frankly, the appeasers in the State Department are so anxious to prove Bush wrong that they are willing to cater to terrorists.

You will recall Obama's inaugural speech where he said, "We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."Well, Baby Assad still has his fist balled up and is likely to hit US ally Lebanon with it unless someone puts the fear of God in him.

Not likely with this crew - which is why when Lebanon holds elections in June, the chances are very good that the friends of Syria will be able to buy, cheat, and threaten enough votes to win and take power from the moderate pro-western government of Prime Minister Siniora.

The disaster this would represent would be incalculable. Iran and Hezb'allah with their very own base to strike out at Israel and US interests in the region A solid bloc of Lebanon, Iran, and Syria with access to the Med and presenting Israel with a huge strategic problem . And all because the silly, stupid, Obama state department thinks that "change" is more important than hard headed, realistic action.
Read the whole thing

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