Tuesday, February 24, 2009

America: much less well off than when Obama started campaigning!

The stark truth is that America is much less well off than when Obama started his run for the presidency. The country has less wealth and, consequently, fewer options. Annual government spending had already ballooned under Bush to ­$2 trillion and then $3 trillion. That was before the government started spending freely to bail out banks and businesses.

That’s why it’s so unnerving to hear Obama describe his economic plans as a break from the Bush administration’s. The spending is targeted differently, but it is essentially the same approach to America’s economic woes: Spend, spend, spend, and worry about it later, if at all.

Republicans have their faults, but they seem to have finally figured out that that’s the wrong approach to the nation’s economic problems. Hopefully Obama will, too. The country can ill afford another trillion-dollar mistake.

Obama shouldn't do it his way

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