Friday, February 13, 2009

America Has Already Paid Reparations

by Dick McDonald

On this day of remembrance of Abraham Lincoln – the REPUBLICAN that freed the slaves – we should abide by his warning:
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's incentive and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do themselves.
IF we follow his advice we will destroy socialism and retain a free market capitalist system. The dependency state Obama is building is just another form of totalitarianism – a totally criminal enterprise.

If, as he has hinted, whites owe Blacks, and if he pushes for reparations, tell that no-good socialist that America has already paid its reparations: One white American died in the Civil War for every 5 black slaves free. Got that? One white American – not some enemy combatant – died for every 5 slaves.

That should be reparations enough.

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