Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama cultists and what to do about 'em

Last night I had dinner with a group of mostly 60's type liberals who worship at the Obama alter (one of them absolutely forbade even a single disparaging word about our new President but felt completely free during the entire evening to make the case that George W. Bush was the scum of the earth--real fair and balanced). It is for these, that the following was written:
There is a basic difference between a cult and a political movement. A political movement is geared around issues, a cult is built around a belief that attaching yourself to a particular guru can teach you how to be a better person and "redeem" you and the rest of the world.

You can demonstrate that a political movement is wrong, but demonstrating that a cult is wrong does no good whatsoever. A cult leader functions by convincing his followers to become emotionally and physically invested in the idea that only by following them can they be saved. Cult membership has to be broken, like any emotionally based addiction.

For our purposes, we can classify Obama cultists into several categories...
Check out De-Programming Obama Cultists

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