Friday, January 30, 2009

Michael Yon talks about Israel

He says first:
"It is amazing to me, as an American who travels the world on a near-constant basis, that there is so much confusion over who the terrorists are, who wants war, and who wants peace."
And from the last two paragraphs:
"I hear great concern that our new administration will turn its back on Israel, leaving Israelis to fend for themselves. But these feelings are not limited to the Israelis. Concern comes from numerous allies that the United States might go cold. I'm hearing these concerns from Iraqis, British, Lithuanians, and Israelis, to name a few.

I can safely be called anti-war. But being anti-war does not mean we can hide our heads in the sand in regard to the proximate and growing threat from Iran. If you want to see World War III unfold, just sit quietly about Iran. Iran could be the opening chapter of an apocalyptic era."
From Michael Yon's new article: "How Can the World Be Blind to Israel's Existential Threats?"

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