Friday, January 16, 2009

The fly was on the wall, and what he saw was very, very bad

If one were to look at the activity on Capital Hill during the campaign, there would be no question in their minds that both McCain and Obama were sweating the “natural born citizen” issue.

How do we arrive at that conclusion? We take McCain’s ingrained, glib advice and “Look at the record, my friends“.
Bill S. 2678 attempted to change article II, section 1, clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States with reference to the requirements of being a “natural born citizen” and hence; the entitlement to run for President of the United States.
APRIL, 2008:
Within only five short weeks after Senate Bill 2678 faded from the floor, we find Sen. Claire McCaskill back again, making another attempt with Senate Resolution 511.
While Senate Resolution 511 was passed on April 30, 2008 only as a non-binding resolution, in the meantime, and not coincidentally, we barely avoided what is known as a "con con."
Calling a constitutional convention has been a hot-button issue for over three decades. Although it is one of two methods Article V of the Constitution provides for amendment, it has never been used. The danger in holding a con con, according to most legal scholars, is that once the delegates are assembled there is no way to limit debate to one topic, and it is possible that an entirely new Constitution could be introduced and ratified.
Sen. Claire McCaskill decided to endorse Obama in January, 2008......I can't do it justice from this point on. Please read the rest of this story which should scare the f-ing shit out of you:
This is really, really disturbing

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