Friday, January 23, 2009

Dr. Orly Taitz requests retraction from Michael Medved

This is an amazing turn of events and can only result in moving forward towards ending the ridiculous matrix in which we are all currently ensnared:

Read these two letters

1 comment:

  1. Let's All help Orly by emailing Joe Davis,, President of Salem Communications, Chris Henderson, Salem Communication's General Counsel and Michael Medved at or using Medved's Online Form at

    CALL Salem Communications, aka, Salem Web Networks at 805-987-0400 and the producers at the Michael Medved Show at 1-800-955-1776.

    Let's tell Salem Communications and Michael Medved that we are going to BOYCOTT Salem Communications and all of their affiliate radio stations listed here Lets let them know that we will unsubscribe to, and BOYCOTT of their advertisors too, if they DO NOT issue a retraction and provide Orly with the appropriate airtime on Michael Medved's show or on another broadcast which will allow Orly to defend herself against Medved's slanderous, defamatory and completely ill-informed comments regarding her character and the merits of her legal actions.

    Act Now!! Bombard them with Emails and Phone Calls!
