Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The 10 Commandments of Radical Secularism

From a fellow member of the SFVRC (San Fernando Valley Republican Club):
I guess we now have "Progressive Fascism" and the state religion is "Radical Secularism."
  1. Thou shalt share thy earnings with thy fellow impoverished man (who is lazy and doesn't work)
  2. Thou shalt not exploit natural resources (even though it is important for man's economic well being and quality of life)
  3. Thou shalt make up for past discrimination by giving preference to certain protected classes of people (even though you are not the one who discriminated against them or benefited from such discrimination)
  4. Thou shalt not emit carbon dioxide (so stop breathing, but don't die and of course it isn't scientifically proven)
  5. Thou shalt not say anything which is politically incorrect (even though it is the truth)
  6. Thou shalt apologize profusely if you are in transgression of Commandment No 5 and promise to attend sensitivity training classes (even though you don't mean it)
  7. Thou shalt never advocate war or violence (unless it is screaming and throwing the phone at the Production Intern and of course violence to Republican's doesn't count)
  8. Thou shalt worship the United Nations as they can fix all problems (even though they are a bunch of dictators, liars, and thieves)
  9. Thou shalt not insult Radical Muslims as we deserve what we get ( even though we did nothing to deserve their attacks)
  10. Thou shalt worship the deities of Castro, Guevara, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Chavez, etc. (even though they are a bunch of thugs, murderers or mass murderers).
Did I miss anything?

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