Monday, December 15, 2008

Obama's chief fast-tracked illegals to get votes!

A former INS official who attended meetings with Rahm Emanuel when Emanuel was a White House aide says the hard-charging Democrat relaxed rules to naturalize even criminal immigrants and secure their votes for President Clinton ahead of the 1996 presidential election.

President-elect Barack Obama, who has chosen Emanuel to run White House operations as his chief of staff, has promised to sign legislation that loosens immigration and puts even illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship.
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You know, where I live in the Los Angeles area, we've lost 11 emergency rooms in the last several years because of ILLEGAL immigrants.

Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and all these Democrats are WHORES. The will sell us all down the river just to get the votes and they always have.

The Republicans who've fallen for this scheme beware: It won't work. Think McCain!!!

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