Sunday, December 14, 2008

Obama indictment to follow Blagojevich arrest?

I began learning about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich early in 2008 and wrote my first article mentioning Blagojevich in April. Why did I begin scrutinizing Rod Blagojevich? I was reading the transcripts from the Tony Rezko trial and investigation and the names of Rezko, Obama and Blagojevich were intertwined in a web of corruption and deception. On December 12, 2008, the Citizen Wells blog presented an article about corruption in the IL Health Planning Facilities Board. The article revealed the ties to Rezko, Levine and Weinstein in their indictments and Blagojevich in criminal charges placed against him. The article also requests that Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald indict and/or arrest Barack Obama for his role in rigging the board when Obama was in the IL Senate. Article that was published and faxed to Fitzgerald.

Patrick Fitzgerald and the investigators working with him have obviously been aware of Obama’s ties to crime and corruption in Chicago and IL for many months. They have been proceeding in a logical and methodical manner. Sentencing of Tony Rezko was delayed and obviously he has been talking. Anyone following this story all year knows much about Obama’s ties to corruption and Fitzgerald knows much more. Obama is the next logical target of indictment and/or arrest.
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