Saturday, November 15, 2008

Social Injustice in America

by Dick McDonald

America fails to educate its people. From grammar school to universities, from the streets to executive suites two generations of Americans have been taught that capitalism is basically an unfair economic system and that academe’s utopian solution of social justice is the answer.

Much of what the educators want is admirable and justifiable. It is the manner in which they want to achieve those goals that is socially and economically unjust. In fact it is downright collectively stupid. The means to their end is taxing the rich and productive and redistributing that wealth to the poor and unproductive. Of course they no longer call the poor “poor” but middle-class. It is a classical diversion of a failed political policy to use words to divert attention from the reality of their failure.

What kids need to learn; what they need is a course in taxation. What Americans don’t seem to get is that academe has steered Americans away from basic civics to social justice themes. Graduates have no idea how our country works economically –what the burdens these “socialists” want them to carry. Let’s take a simple example.

Jay Leno was interviewing Anderson Cooper on the tonight show this week. Cooper of CNN was gushing liberal social justice themes to which Leno replied that he would gladly pay more income taxes if the money got to the right people. Now dear reader what do you think Leno is doing today with the money he is planning to give to the government tomorrow? It is likely he is pouring it into his personal stock or bond portfolio. If he diverts that money from the people’s capital pool to the government he is destroying the funds the economy uses to create jobs and start businesses.

What Anderson Cooper failed to tell Jay Leno was the rest of the story - the serious depletion of the capital pool Barack and his mates have in mind. He and the liberal Congress is eyeing a big money contribution from the likes of Leno. If NBC is paying Jay $20 million a year the 4.5% increase from a top rate of 35% to 39.5% will only cost Jay an additional $900,000 – mere petty cash to the likes of Leno. What was not said is that Obama has promised to lift the cap on Social Security, Medicare payroll taxes which will cost Jay an additional $3.4 million dollars a year. That is $3.4 million dollar less for the capital pool to use to hire the “middle class”. And Jay is just one of millions of the “rich” that will be so impacted.

Obama promises to keep the Ponzi scheme known as Social Security and Medicare from bankruptcy by imposing this punishing 15.3% payroll tax on top of the 39.5% income tax rate. The “middle-class” has been convinced that is fair. What they fail to realize is that every action has a reaction going in the opposite direction with equal force. That tax will throw millions of Americans out of work. It will be a repeat of the 10-year depression of the 30’s when unemployment remained at double digits. You see the “rich” didn’t have the money to hire people – their capital pool was empty. The rest of the story is that Obama is taking us down the same drain hole.

So folks enjoy the euphoria of “the change people can believe in” because it has a short shelf life. It is built on the stupidity of those who think they can vote themselves a paycheck they didn’t work for. Obama’s words are temporarily most comforting “we are the people we have been waiting for” meaning ordinary people like Obama is what ordinary Americans have been waiting for. Unfortunately his policies will result in a pink slip for many Americans and a malaise in our economic engine just to send out that “social justice” welfare check.

For another way to skin that pig see – the “real” blueprint people have been waiting for. You can even download a free book Make the Poor Rich and America Wealthier.

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