Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Can a Rezko Story with an Obama Connection Be Ignored by Chicago Media?


by way of THIS STORY

But, I fear that the real story is (a) that the press covered up the many, many things--most of them at least touched on in this blog--that would have disqualified any other candidate (who wasn't black) and (b) the American public has become a nation of "marks" (noun. A person identified as an easy target, or "sucker". A mark is always the short end of a joke or scam, and is never let in on whats going on. A mark is usually being cheated out of money. It's origin is from old English traveling carnivals from the late 1800s to early 1900s, where workers would refer to people paying to see thier made up shows and games a "mark". not from urban gangsters like most people think. Mark is also the origin to the term "smark" or "smart mark" which is a person who know's he/she is being scammed.)

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