Friday, October 24, 2008

The Great Leftist Con Game: How the New Left is Hijacking the U.S. in Plain Sight and How to Fix It

By Gary Starr for The Neville Awards

Posted 10/17/08

Imagine no possessions…
Except for the five apartments at the Dakota Yoko bought me when I was on a one year bender in LA with Harry Nilson and raising Sean for 7 years...
It's easy if you try…
No Hell below us…above us only sky
By John Lennon (if he had been writing truthfully and not believing his own "working class hero" press garbage)


With the collapse of the brash, tacky and over-the-top anti-war movement of the 1960's, the radicals went back to work…very quietly. Using Saul Alinsky as their mentor and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as their playbook the attack has been stealthy and brilliant. It has been a slow, methodical and clever infestation of the media, academia and our largest urban areas - New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, etc. It has been going on since the 1970's.

In 2006 two important books were published about the LA lifestyle in Laurel Canyon in the 1960's and 70's: Laurel Canyon by Michael Walker and Hotel California by Barney Hoskyns.

We know the artists, the songs, and the behind-the-scenes players. The songs were the soundtrack for that period. The Troubadour, The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, The Eagles, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Joni Mitchell, Linda Rondstadt, James Taylor, Carol King, Randy Newman, Jackson Browne, Mama Cass, Frank Zappa, David Geffen, Lenny Waronker and Elliot Roberts. They were a veritable cornucopia of navel-gazing, self-obsessed hippie narcissists.

What did they all have in common? They started off poor, hungry, and with a drive to make it. They all did. They got rich singing and publishing songs of peace, anti-war angst, inner meaning, loneliness, love won and lost, and what have you.

When these proto-capitalist/hippies got their piece of the pie the scene switched from funky-divey Laurel Canyon to trendy Bel Air, but the message stayed the same... a thinly veiled leftist charge that, at it's heart, made everyone who profited hypocrites of the highest order. While the public message was peace, love, sharing and understanding, behind the curtain it was all about the money and as cutthroat as any Big Oil boardroom.

Legendary producer and musician Jimmy Webb said it best in Hotel California:

"I was instinctively drawn to people like Joni, because I knew she was a real artist. But I wasn't welcomed with open arms. You had to prove that you were a dyed-in-the -wool left-winger and that you'd been to the barricades. I'd achieved fame and fortune with very outspoken middle-of-the-roaders like Glen Campbell, who'd had John Wayne on his television show. So I came into this world of exquisite artists that I really wanted to be on intimate terms with, having to explain that I, too, used drugs and was really very hip."

So it goes with leftists…present the struggling revolutionary to the public while cleaning up on the side. It's been going on since the Bolshevik Revolution.

From the folks who brought you the 1968 riots, the disastrous Chicago Democratic National Convention of 1968 and the Chicago 7 trial, enter the Radicals from Chicago.

What does the Laurel Canyon crowd have in common with the Radicals from Chicago?

Let's meet the players:

• Terrorist and jihadist enabler Barack Obama
• Weather Underground terrorist/bomber turned "respected" college professor and education "reformer" William Ayres
• Liberation Theology and Trinity Church preaching, America-hating and Jew-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright
• Nation of Islam leading America-hating and Jew-hating Louis Farrakhan

All of these guys started out as "community organizer" and religious "icon" street activists on the Southside of Chicago. They were peddling the message of hope and change to the poor community. But most importantly they were preaching "The Man done you wrong and it's time for some payback". And the victim and grievance business was good.

Liberals, in their endless and shameless class warfare game, are very fond of the following shibboleth: "you can't balance the budget on the backs of the poor by giving tax breaks to the rich." But if there was ever a group of leftist con men who balanced their own budgets on the backs of the very poor people they were professing to help it was The Four Horseman of the Barackopolis.

The Four Horseman did get paid….big time. While the communities they worked in are still (I'm shocked….SHOCKED!) urban shit holes, Ayres, Wright, Farrakhan and Obama all live within a few blocks of each other in toney Hyde Park, a few miles and a million economic miles away from the folks they have been preying on for the last 40 years. Obama, when questioned about this rogue's gallery, routinely says 'so and so is not an advisor and not a member of my campaign,' and the "in-the-tank-press" just nods their collective noggins in agreement. But these leftist scumbags from Obama's past keep crawling out from under the rocks.

Like the Laurel Canyon crowd that conned the white middle class into buying the vinyl and the CD's with the peace message, the Four Horseman conned the black community promising some payback and a better life. But, amazingly, the poor are still poor. In fact, while the Four Horseman of the Barackopolis are living large in Hyde Park, the murder rate in South Chicago has gone through the roof. The education "reforms" pushed by Ayres and the Chicago Annenburg Challenge (CAC), administered by Obama, were a failure, and any "organizing" Obama did obviously was an amazing "success"….NOT. Obama's efforts were more about Obama's career and street cred than actually improving conditions on the ground.

But these four con artists got rich in the process. Now they want to do to the rest of us what they did to Chicago.

In his autobiography Radical Son, ex-60's radical-turned-conservative, David Horowitz tells the story of working at the influential left wing rag Ramparts in the 1960's with Todd Gitlin (now a professor of journalism at Columbia University) and Robert Scheer (recently fired from the LA Times in 2007) . A small side note here: Scheer and ex-LA Times editor Michael Kinsley were both fired but they were continually showing up in the Sunday Editorial section until, due to a loss of circulation and advertising revenue, the paper drastically cut sections out of the publication, notably the Opinion and Book section. But I digress. Horowitz and Scheer parted ways at Ramparts. Horowitz later ran into Scheer in Los Angeles. Scheer was all decked out in establishment clothing. Horowitz questioned the new look and Scheer said "I'm working at the LA Times….I'm going to bore from within."

In that one statement Scheer crystallized the New Left's strategy… an ongoing effort since the 1970's to undermine the media, academia and the cities and become part of the process by joining the establishment they railed against as young 60's radicals.

The media, academia and the cities have one thing in common...they are all run by liberals and socialists. And the socialists and liberals have managed to ruin all three institutions without a peep or a challenge coming from the American people. Now, unlike the liberals and social activists who don't hold real jobs, us regular folks can be partially forgiven because we are actually busy earning a living and raising kids. We have lives. But our 'mandatory sleep period' has ended…it's time for the folks to walk and chew gum…time for a little multi-tasking.

Let's examine these three institutions one by one.


Our Universities have devolved into little more than socialist propaganda mills where diversity, multiculturalism and politically correct campus speech codes are the order of the day. There are all manner of radical student groups on campus supporting women's rights, black rights, Hispanic rights, gay rights, Muslim rights, terrorist's rights, affirmative action, smoking bans and global warming. Pick an aggrieved group and there is a student group supporting it.

There are endless "soft studies" departments including women's studies, black studies, Hispanic studies, Arab studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Pacific Islander studies, peace studies, ethnic studies. These fake programs prepare the students for nothing more than a career in academia (or a career in the overthrow of the United States) so the same useless, politically correct fluff can be recycled. We liken it to kids in Pakistan sitting in a madrassa reciting the Koran, which prepares them to be a dysfunctional adult living in a dysfunctional society.

In truth, these idiotic college programs are little more than ethnic and grievance platforms for aging 1960's barely-functional beard-scratching radicals to sound off about Bush, the war on terror, women earning 70 cents for every dollar a man earns, endless white suppression of minorities, and how "white man's greed runs a world in need." David Horowitz has written extensively about these frauds in his book The Professors-The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America. Of late, the anti-American rants and screeds have spilled over to the science, math and history programs. These professors were probably feeling a little left out. The work of America-hating historian Howard Zinn, especially A People's History of the United States, is required reading for all budding radicals and the unfortunate captive audiences just trying to get a degree.

The situation on campus is so dysfunctional that, on graduation day, students are demanding separate but equal graduation ceremonies based on race and/or religion. There just wasn't enough time for the "professors" to explain Brown vs. Board of Education 1954 to all of these busy 'Che' wannabes.

Here are just a handful of the most notorious professors wasting our time and money at the college level:

Angela Davis

Let's have a look at our girl's resume:

• Tenured Communist professor at the University of California's Santa Cruz campus
• Former member of the Black Panther Party
• Recipient of the Lenin "Peace Prize" from the police state of East Germany in 1979
• Provided an arsenal of weapons to Black Panthers who used them to kill a Marin Country judge in a failed attempt to free Davis' imprisoned lover, Black Panther murderer George Jackson
• Sacred cow of the New Left and frequent guest speaker at anti-war rallies
• Earns, at taxpayer expense, a six-figure salary. This income is supplemented by speaking fees ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 per appearance on college campuses.
• Leader of a movement to free all minority criminals claiming that they are political prisoners of the oppressive white system.
• Notable quote: "The only path of liberation for black people is that which leads toward complete and radical overthrow of the capitalist class."
• Davis has also taught at UCLA and the State University of New York at Stony Brook, also at taxpayer expense.
What a classy gal…just don't bring her home to meet the parents unless they have voted or are voting for Obama.

William Ayres

• Founding member of the Weather Underground along with Terrorist wife Bernardine Dorhn.
• During the 1960's he bombed the Pentagon and The U.S. Capital in protesting the Vietnam War.
• His case was dismissed on a technicality.
• Recast himself as a respected University professor in Chicago where he has worked on education "reforms"
• Set up the Chicago Annenburg Challenge (CAC) to pump $150,000,000 dollars into schools. Most of the money went to Ayes' pet radical school programs. These failed projects were little more than left wing madrassas that taught Afro-Centric anti-American propaganda.
• Ayres hired Barack Obama to administer the Chicago Annenburg Challenge (CAC) money.
• Concerning the bombings of the 1960's Ayres said: "I feel we didn't do enough".
• Describes himself as an avowed leftist and "small c" communist.
• Held a fundraiser at his home for Obama that helped launch Obama's political career.
Ayres is real gem…he should be in jail for the bombings but the Feds blew the case. "Guilty as sin, free as a bird" says Ayres.

Rashid Khalidi

• The Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University.
• Presides over a $300,000 annual grant from the federal government.
• Former operative and publicity guy for the PLO.
• Supporter of "legitimate Palestinian resistance" (terrorism) that results in the deaths of Israeli civilians.
• Rejects the two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
• Facilitated the visit by Iranian strongman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Columbia University in 2007.
• Traded his kefiyah for a suit and tie so he wouldn't look like a scary terrorist when he became a "respected professor".

I wanna party with that guy…

The Obama connection: before joining the leftist cabal at Columbia Rashid Khalidi was a professor at the University of Chicago, where he served as Director of both the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Center for International Studies (so what else is new?). While at Chicago U. Khalidi held a fundraiser for Obama. What is it about Obama's terrorist connections and fundraisers?

Todd Gitlin

The route to journalistic respect and reward runs through Todd Gitlin's class at the "prestigious" Columbia School of Journalism. Of course only the choir refers to Columbia's journalism school as prestigious…we prefer the Columbia School of the Big Lie for Propagandists in Training.

Gitlin used to waste paper and ink at the left wing rag 'Ramparts' along with Robert Scheer and David Horowitz before gaining "respectability" in the 'Moscow on the Hudson' think tank.

Ward Churchill

Ward Churchill is the disgraced and fired University of Colorado Ethnic Studies "professor" who called the 3000 people killed at the Trade center "little Eichmanns."

Surprisingly that remark did not get him fired. It was found that he was pretending to be Native American and had plagiarized a few of his writings. That's what really pissed off the powers that be at the University of Colorado. It took over a year for the university to dump this jerk.

To listen to a few of his incoherent rantings on YouTube it becomes obvious that this man is truly insane…and he was earning over $100,000 per year on the taxpayer dime.

The aforementioned creatures are an affront to every concept of what a university education is supposed to be. They are stealing from you and me and are perpetrating a fraud on the students and the alumni of these universities. They are grifters and the university is the mark. They know what they you know who they are.

At $15,000-$30,000 per year for tuition Mom and Dad should be concerned if they are getting their money's worth for Junior's education at these elite education propaganda mills and Ivy League mental institutions of higher learning.

A better deal for cash-strapped parents would be to send the little geniuses to a smaller college like California State University at Northridge (CSUN for those in the know). At a much lower tuition rate Junior can thrill to the anti-American rantings of one Rudolfo Acuna, a tenured pro-Reconquista Hispanic Studies professor who teaches that California is really part of Mexico. Ivy League Anti-American Studies at Walmart prices. Who knew?

What happened to actual subjects and universities as centers of advanced learning?

The situation is little better at the high school and junior high school level. The liberal controlled teachers unions have made it impossible to fire incompetent teachers and have blocked all attempts to give parents a choice as to where they send their kids. The teachers unions actively resist school vouchers because their power rests in their control of federal and state dollars. Parents can't choose to send their children to a better school even if they wanted to. So inner city kids are stuck in failing schools.

The diversity celebrating, multicultural-loving, leftist agenda is also on full display. Our kids are being taught that "Heather has two mommies." In San Francisco first graders are bussed to City Hall to attend gay weddings under the guise of a school-sanctioned field trip. Global warming is being force-fed down the throats of our children. And, of course, the teachers engage in the usual Bush-bashing and anti-American brain-washing. And the kids still can't read and write at grade level.

But every two years there is always some silly "save our schools" proposition on the ballot that sink the states further into debt if passed. So more and more taxpayer dollars get thrown into a corrupt dysfunctional school system and the schools never get any better.

At it's most fundamental level socialism is easy…capitalism and self-reliance are difficult. By eliminating the emphasis on real learning, grades and competition, by stressing self-esteem and social promotion, our schools are not preparing students for the real world. By dumbing down the curriculum the schools are churning out barely literate graduates. They pass these little socialist-in-training zombies on to the colleges where remedial reading and math courses mix with the soft studies. Again the emphasis is on socialist indoctrination and the high school message is reinforced. By the time the students graduate they are so indoctrinated into the entitlement mentality they are ill-equipped to deal with the ups and downs of life. This is right out of the Karl Marx/Hugo Chavez/Saul Alinsky/William Ayres approach to using education for social justice and revolution rather than actually having an educational system that works.

The schools and the teacher's unions have a vested interest in keeping this status quo because the Democratic Party runs candidates who reinforce this attitude and mindset. A barely educated population is easily swayed and easily led. The "discussion of the issues," as Democrats so fondly pine away for every campaign, is impossible if the constituency can't read, write or grasp the basic facts of the issues. The economic meltdown of 2008 is a prime example of how the issue is obfuscated and pettifogged by the liberals. How can you have a sane discussion of foreign policy when most folks can't find Iraq or Iran on a map? Socialism is easy.

The liberals may say they want a discussion of the issues but they are just fine keeping the folks in the dark and keeping our schools at their current substandard levels.

The Media

There is a journalistic double standard, one for Republicans where the bar is set impossibly high and one for Democrats where there is no bar at all. That is just fine with us…it reinforces conservatives' integrity. Let's stop whining about it and take advantage of it. Remember, when conservatives break the rules we clean out our own house. When Democrats get caught they get re-elected.

If the liberal media is guilty of anything in their long slide to irrelevance it is the Sin of Omission. When the Iraq War was going badly every IED explosion was front page news in the NY Times. Indeed, two weeks into both wars the word "quagmire" became the defeatist word du jour. Now that both wars have stabilized and the surge has worked all war news is relegated to page A20 of the main section. The liberal press worked overtime to insure defeat on the front page. Now that the news is good the press is working overtime to keep the story quiet so the perception of defeat will remain in the publics' mind. Good news in Iraq and Afghanistan is bad news for liberals.

The press is now an active participant in supporting and rooting for an Obama victory. The NY Times and MSNBC are Obama central. They have spent the last two years covering up rather than covering this fraud and his campaign. There has been absolutely no effort made in exposing the bizarre cast of characters in Obama's past. When the Rev. Wright controversy finally bubbled up they made excuse after excuse for Obama. William Ayres is "just a guy in my neighborhood". The press nodded in lockstep.

But put a person like Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber into play and, all of a sudden, all of these "investigative" journalists start acting like they are in a fox hunt. "RELEASE THE HOUNDS!! Now we can really do our jobs."

They are crawling under every rock to dig up the dirt. They are mocking the two of them in every media venue. For a party that claims to be for the little guy and the middle class, every time an actual middle class person enters the liberal radar screen and resonates with the public the press and the elites try to degrade that person and develop a severe case of "fill-in-the-blank derangement syndrome."

Just think about the 48 hours after the Republican Convention, and in the 48 hours after the final presidential debate we learned more about the backgrounds of Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber than in the two years the media has been supposedly covering:

• The Obama/Ayers and the Obama/Wright relationships
• Obama and the The Chicago Annenburg Challenge (CAC)
• Obama's relationship with ACORN
• Obama's New York City years
• Obama's Certificate of Live Birth
• Obama's Illinois State Senate Record
• Obama's Transcripts and school history
• Obama's Pakistan trip at a time when American's were forbidden to travel there
• Obama's New Party links

2008 will be known as the year all journalistic standards finally collapsed, the media dropped the pretense of fairness and openly went into the tank for Obama and the liberals…while still claiming their integrity was intact.

The newspapers and the three networks are on life support. Subscriptions and viewership have been on the slide for over a decade and it is just a matter of time before they finally collapse. Like Air America, the failed liberal talk radio network propped up George Soros and, these media dinosaurs are being artificially kept alive by desperate corporate dollars being pumped into their veins. In the real world, where balance sheets and business sense hold sway, these fake artifices would have disappeared years ago.

The popular culture is riddled with leftist who make anti-American films and record anti-social drivel. It's hard to go to the movies today. There are a plethora of actors and actresses playing tough guys on film. It's hard to buy them in their roles when they publicly come out for "peace at any price" and spit in the face of ordinary Americans with their socialist politics…all the while getting rich at our expense.

The Cities

The blacks who are blindly and blithely voting for Obama are, somehow, expecting Obama to improve their lives when he enters the White House…that they are going to finally get paid. They are still falling for the con. If Bill Clinton represented deferred hope to minorities, Obama is the embodiment of entitled fulfillment.

And in four years, at the end of a failed Obama administration, when they are still sitting in the midst of their own rubble, when they have spent the few entitlement scraps that the Democrats have tossed them, they will still be poor….and very pissed off. No fulfillment here. Fucked over again. How could this happen…he was one of us.

Yes, he was supposed to be your Man…that's what he told you… but he is also the New Left's Ultimate Con Man.

The question is why do voters tolerate this garbage. In Detroit the Democrat mayor recently went to jail on corruption charges. In San Francisco and Los Angeles Mayor Gavin Newsome's and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's support of sanctuary city policies make a mockery of immigration enforcement and have led to a series of killing of U.S. citizens and cops by illegal aliens.

What has Rep. Maxine Waters actually accomplished for the people of Inglewood and South Central Los Angeles. Those areas of the city are gang infested third world dumps. Waters sits on the House Energy Committee and threatens to nationalize the oil industry instead of taking care of business at home. Meanwhile she led the charge to keep Walmart from opening a superstore in her district claiming that the mom-and-pops would go out of business. The 500-700 jobs that Walmart would have created and the cash infusion into the area never materialized and the few mom-and-pops are forever struggling to stay in business with their handful employees.

The city councils of our large cities are nothing more than socialist legislation factories with the mayors rubberstamping everything. Meanwhile taxes continually go up and everything gets worse.

So why do blacks and Hispanics keep voting these clowns back into office if nothing changes? The have fallen for the con and they think that the Democrats are looking out for them.


When Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 he took office with a Democratic majority in both houses. Though he posited himself as a centrist he immediately was pulled to the left by the liberal-controlled Congress. We got questionable cabinet appointees, gays in the military and Hillary care. In 1994 the extreme agenda of the left was repudiated by the country and both houses of Congress flipped for the first time in 40 years.

The left will never be more powerful than it will be on Jan 27, 2009. The same thing will happen as happened in 1992. An even more extreme agenda will be on full display…the liberals will overreach. With the right kind of leadership and a Gingrich-like partisan razor leading the charge we can engineer another takeover in 2010.

Be aware: one of the first things that the liberals will try to do is bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Democrats held sway in Congress for 40 years largely because there was no counterweight to balance the liberal media. Rush Limbaugh and the rise of conservative talk radio altered the equation and the liberals know that. This blatant attack on free speech should be the first rallying point for conservatives on the road back to power.


Why do we tolerate and pay for these dysfunctional charlatans on our state funded high school and college campuses? Why do we tolerate girly-man University Chancellors and school boards who won't do the right thing and fire the bad apples. Why do they hire them in the first place? We suspect that the concept of vetting does not exist in the leftist psyche and that these high school and university hiring officials are dazzled by a little bit of radical chic.

We can and should demand better of our educational institutions. One way is for the alumni to stop giving money to the colleges and demand better professors and administrators. Another solution is to have conservatives run for the local school boards. Voters should keep defying the entrenched teachers unions and push for school vouchers. More and more parents are pulling their kids out of a failed system and opting for home schooling or setting up alternative schools. Finally the concept of academic tenure needs to be re-evaluated. How many of you have a job for life?

The Media

CBS News, NBC News and ABC News somehow still think they actually matter. Stop watching the network news altogether. Katie Couric has always suffered from poor ratings despite every corporate effort to prop her up. Charlie Gibson and Brian Williams aren't faring much better. Bill O'Reilly actually beats CBS and Couric head to head. The interviews with Sarah Palin were a condescending joke. Enough is enough. Stop doing the interviews with these charlatans.

To be a conservative is about as un-hip as it gets. Be proud of who you are…you are always on the right side of history. Forget doing Letterman, The View, Colbert, Stewart and the insipid morning chat shows. What's the point? Politics is serious business and we, as conservatives, should not debase ourselves by playing the left's game by trying to appear "with it" and in tune with popular culture. They hate us no matter what we do to appease them and laugh behind our backs after we cozy up to them. Reaching across the aisle is a sucker's bet. So let's stop all that nonsense.

New Rules:

No more presidential debates unless there is at least one conservative mediator. The Democrats actually got away with not doing a debate on FOX during the primaries and our weenie Republican candidates said nary a word. But the Democrats all trooped up to the Daily Kos Convention and no one in the Democratic Party batted an eye. Enough is enough.

If we keep up the pressure, if we call these liberal clowns out every day, and at the highest levels of government, and expose and shame them for the socialist scum that they are, the dam will break. They can be made irrelevant and we just may force them out of business.

Conservatives should stop hoping for a miracle return to sanity by these entrenched brain-dead propagandists…instead, they should turn up the heat. Stop doing interviews and shut down communication…they hate us anyway and we will never get a break from them. Our conservative politicians must marginalize the media by openly and publicly ridiculing them on Capitol Hill, State legislatures and in City Councils. Encourage people to cancel their subscriptions to these rags...even the Sunday editions. If you can't live without the coupons get them online. The newspapers are suffocating from a lack of advertising anyway as more and more people get their information from the web.

Enough is enough. Stop supporting Hollywood with your hard-earned money…cancel your newspaper subscriptions…ignore the networks altogether. When they feel enough economic heat they will see the light or go out of business.

There is a reason that, whenever socialists get close to being exposed, they run for cover making every excuse in the book why the conservatives are unfair…or they cry racism. If you know who they are and what their real agenda is you won't vote for them.

The Cities

So…how to take back the cities?

The big cities are the key to turning blue states to red because that is where the population centers are. California would be a red state if not for Los Angeles and San Francisco. New York would be red if not for New York City. Illinois would be red if not for Chicago and Michigan would be a battleground state if not for Detroit.

Blacks and Hispanics finally have to be convinced they are victims of a con game that has been played on them since Lyndon Johnson's Great Society was hijacked by the race hustlers. How can they still be poor after all the money that has been shoveled their way? Because it never was really their money to do with as they pleased. The people who administered the money and set up the phony "economic empowerment zones" (don't you just love leftist newspeak?) in the inner city were the foot soldiers in this half-century con game. The folks never had any control.

There was a time when blacks voted Republican. Conservatives must start running minority candidates who will speak the truth to these victims of the leftist con game. We don't need charismatic con men, just straight talkers. The folks won't believe them at first. Conservative minority candidates will be called sellouts and race traitors by the race hustlers who have a stake in maintaining the status quo. How do we know this? Because it has already happened to Condoleezza Rice, Justice Clarence Thomas, Sec. of State Colin Powell, Maryland Lt Gov. Michael Steele, all Republicans.

Socialists and liberals have been using the race and gender cards for years to stifle free speech and as a pander play to curry votes from their own constituencies. From 2006 to 2008 it reached a new level of sophistication. The most obvious example of this is our economic meltdown of 2008.

The expansion of Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) during the Clinton Administration set the stage for a housing bubble and the financial house of cards that followed. In the name of achieving the American Dream liberals wanted to put people who couldn't qualify for loans into houses they could never afford. This vote buying scheme was a long term strategy.

The Senate and House Banking committees, chaired by Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barney Frank respectively, put their own people into loan underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who then forced banks to make insane sub-prime loans. ACORN, along with Fannie and Freddie, threatened to sue banks who didn't go along with the shakedown. In the real world no loan officer would ever agree to such ridiculous banking practices. But the greed factor was very strong. And the loans were bought up by Fannie and Freddie. The house of cards continued to grow. There many ways to play the race card.

Like malleable kids who join religious cults poor blacks and Hispanics are in a trance…under the sway of the "Dear Leader" and the socialist grievance propaganda that has been fed to them since the 1970's. This simple message must be stressed for every election. It may take 40 years to accomplish this goal, but it can be done if we are to preserve our freedom, our Constitution and save our country.

Blacks and Hispanics need to be "de-programmed." They need to understand the perpetual con that has been foisted on them…that they have been economic and emotional slaves to the Democrats beginning with Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. They are now perpetual victims of a racist promise of prosperity without the results.

They must learn the difference between the capitalist message of "equality of opportunity" and self-reliance versus the socialist message of "equality of result" and the endless economic enslavement to the "government-as-daddy", welfare "whatcha gonna do for me" mentality.

In Conclusion

Let's face facts…Republicans are an endangered species. For the country to remain free and capitalist minorities must be brought into the conservative fold. The way not to do it is to say "we are your friends and want to help you too." That is the liberal message.

We win by stressing that "you have been conned" and the only way to fix your problems is for you to change your mindset, and that the only party stressing self-reliance are the Republicans. We are not going to give you free money and free stuff. But we will, as elected conservatives, create the conditions that remove the economic and mental straight-jacket that have kept you beholden to the socialist con artists and the Democrats for half a century.

We win by also running 'first principle' conservative candidates for local and national office who are immune from the Wall Street fat cats and will not sell out the party for personal gain.

We win by not wilting whenever the left plays the race and gender cards. The intellectuals and self-appointed intelligentsia will try to paint us as racist and/or sexist. Ignore them because you know we are not racist or sexist. They have been using this tactic as a club to stifle legitimate debate. If liberals can succeed in branding any criticism of them as racist or sexist they hope to shame you into shutting up. Don't fall for it.

The left wants America to believe they are the mainstream and conservatives are the extremists. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As was mentioned earlier socialism is easy. It requires no effort on the part of the participant other than a willingness to be enslaved. It is an alien concept birthed in the ideological swamps of Europe, perfected by Karl Marx and implemented by Lenin. It kills the human spirit and wrecks everything it touches. It is the antithesis to every aspect of human nature. We win by calling them out every day, going over their heads directly to the American people to expose and shame them for the socialist un-American scum that they are.

Finally we win by being traditional Americans.

Copywrite 2008 The Neville Awards All Rights Reserved

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