Thursday, October 09, 2008

Barack Obama: Fraud We Can Believe In

ACORN, which received $800,000 from the Obama campaign is so blatant they are ow registering the Dallas Cowboys in Nevada as voters. There is almost no State that does not have Leftists goons beating up people, as they did in Oxnard, or "registering" dead people or non existent people. Tens of thousands in every State are being added to the voter rolls--it is a game to them. The Ayres radicalism, the Wright bigotry, the direct apology for terrorism, this election has gone from a debate on the issues, to being the last stand for freedom. Toward the end of the debate a couple of nights ago Brokaw asked if Iran were to threaten the existence of Israel would the United States come to the defense of Israel. McCain gave an unequivocal YES. Obama said he would consult with the United Nations, but not let them have veto power over his decision. He did not say he would defend Israel. Friends, America is in deep trouble. Do not be surprised if, in the name of stabilizing the nation, President Obama took over all businesses with revenues of over $10 million...just to stabilize the nation. Enjoy Thanksgiving, enjoy Christmas, it may be the last days of a free nation. Pass this on, to let your friends know how serious this is. To see the complete story click on the URL below.
Read the article this refers to here

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