Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CEO's who made bad loans are Democrats

Wouldn't you think that all the CEOs that made all these bad loans were Republicans? Obama claims they were.

But that liberal is lying again – they weren’t Bushies they were Democrats confused by the algorithms used in the derivatives:

Richard Fuld, CEO Lehman (bankrupt): gave 83% to Democrats
John Mack, CEO Morgan Stanley: 100% to Democrats
Alan Greenberg, former CEO Bear Stearns: 100% to Democrats
Alan Schwartz, former CEO Bear Stearns (current when bought): 67% to Democrats
James Dimon, current JPMorgan Chase CEO: 100% to Democrats
Kerry Killinger, former Washington Mutual CEO (fired 9/9/2008); 100% to Democrats
Stephen Rotella, President Washington Mutual: 100% to Democrats
Robert Rubin, former Citigroup Chairman, and Clinton's Treasury Secretary: 100% to Democrats
BTW, Rubin is now working for Obama!

The Republicans are the smart guys, waiting to pick up Humpty Dumpty and profit from putting him back together again and buying the market when it bottoms. Sound familiar?

This is just proof that fancy Ivy League schools have been breeding socialists and socialists are basically breaking the Ten Commandments by stealing that which isn’t theirs and buying patronage and Manhattan apartments with it.

Now many of them are out on the street looking for real jobs and a way to pay for their 900 sq.ft million-dollar apartments...

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