Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The worst human rights violators are now in charge of the United Nations!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The In-Human Rights Council of the UN Has Spoken

The Human Rights Council at the United Nations, made up of some of the worst human rights violators, is just about in total control of the United Nations. By outlawing criticism of Islam, Sharia Law, and the Hadith, they have adopted a hate filled ideology as the one that the world should follow.

The UN has announced to the world that slavery, murder, dismemberment, and the reduction of women to property is the Divine way of Allah who is the one and only God. The UN is not alone. Many countries, including the our very own State Department, is in accord with this by proposing not to use such terms as Jihad, Fatwa, Islamic terror, and other terms.

The world population is being deprived of freedom of speech and thought and the organizations and countries that have pledged to protect these freedoms are coconspirators in this despicable attack. Those that are attacking people’s inalienable rights of freedom and individual liberties have gotten a strong hold at the very top of world governments and the main world organization. The might of the top will trample on all our rights before long. Our founding fathers and all the good people that have shed blood and lost their lives to protect these freedoms must be rolling over in their graves.

Islam is the original depriver of freedom of thought and individual liberty. It is inexplicable how the democracies of the world do not see that the ideology of Islam goes against everything that free nations have stood for.

We all need to wake up to this threat. Urge your representatives, local, state, and federal, not to give in to this attack on our freedom and rights. We have to stop this invasion by a barbaric, seventh century mentality that will ravage our society and kill the human spirit. There is no place for Islam in modern culture until it can accept and welcome other forms of religion and thinking. Remember, the Koran states that a Muslim can never accept or be friends with people of the book; that is Jews and Christians. The people of the book, Buddhists, Hindus, and any other faiths or non-faiths are not considered as being human by Islam. We all are the 'off springs of monkeys and apes'.

© 2008 by Vladimir Val Cymbal


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