Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama/Ayres Corruption Machine Exposed

On Saturday 23 August 2008, Stephen Frank's California Political News & Views said this:

Barack claimed the remorseful terrorist, Bill Ayres was just a neighbor. Guess he forget the three years they worked together, wasting $50 million on a failed education reform project.

Ayres, the Tim McVeigh of his time (McVeigh was successful, Ayres just wished he was), was/is a neighbor, friend, mentor, co-worker of Barack Obama. They are emotional and philosophical soul brothers.

The corruption of the Annenberg Project is a metaphor for the Obama political career. Does nothing, claims victory and looks good in the process.

This is a man who has only a one page medical report, refuses to say who his legal clients were, worked for the corrupt radical organization ACORN (which he got caught funneling $800,000 to for "advance work"—when caught he had to report it), bought property with the mobbed up Tony Rezko.

Obama is a man of mystery, always on the edge of corruption. He is Bill Clinton without a hormone problem. Wait till the full story of the hospital work of his wife comes out. She was paid $300,000 per year by a hospital to help the health care of the poor. Instead, it now appears she shipped the poor other places for treatment, to save her hospital money.

The word "sleaze" comes to mind.

So please, read the following article by Thomas Lifson to find out the real truth: Bill & Barack's Excellent Adventure

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