Monday, August 11, 2008

How Clinton helped start this war (and helped Islamofacsicm to boot!)

Cold War II?
By Stephen Brown | Monday, August 11, 2008

One of the triggers for the conflict exploding now, however, occurred outside the Caucuses when western countries recognized Kosovo, formerly part of Serbia. This diplomatic manoeuvre upset the Kremlin, which has refused to recognize the new entity. It has also not forgotten that a weak Russia had to watch helplessly in 1999 as an American-led NATO bombed its historical Balkan ally into submission.

Read all about it!

Clinton’s Kosovo Whopper
AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid | September 27, 2006

Of all the whoppers told by former President Clinton in his Chris Wallace interview, perhaps the most outrageous was his claim that he was involved in “trying to stop a genocide in Kosovo...” In fact, Clinton’s bombing of the former Yugoslavia killed more people than died in this “genocide.” And his policy benefited Osama bin Laden and the global Jihad.

Important backstory!

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