Monday, August 04, 2008

Capitalism for Dummies

Dick McDonald

Socialism is no longer “creeping” in America, it promises to start “galloping” with the election of a veto-proof Democrat Congress in November. America is no longer “slowly” becoming a nanny state paralyzed by big government and their entitlement industry it is fast becoming socialistic and increasingly seduced by the very thing President Reagan warned us against – “government is not the solution, it is the problem”. Today our schools, our media and the Democrat Party are preaching the lie that big government is the solution and individual freedom is the problem.

Such propaganda has led so many Americans to no longer equate capitalism with freedom. The enormous success of Reagan’s supply-side revolution that created so many billionaires is now being used to illustrate the failure of capitalism rather than its success. Instead of trying to bring more capitalism to ordinary Americans the people have been led into believing the proposition that taking from the rich will somehow make the poor richer. Nothing could be further from the truth – economic leveling is a myth oft repeated by charlatans seeking power over the masses. The eventual economic paralysis of the USSR proved that “equality” of outcomes is the poison that destroys individual freedom.

How have so many people who want to be financially comfortable as individuals been seduced into believing that socialist policies of big government will be the magic pill that will deliver the American Dream? The answer is simpler than you think. All education begins at home and too many American parents have flunked that exam. They have abandoned teaching their kids the basic principles of free market capitalism and turned over that responsibility to the educators. Unfortunately by method of design our educational establishment quit teaching capitalism and started seriously emphasizing socialism during the 1960’s “revolution”.

The truly crippling effect of socialism is that it takes money out of the economy and wastes it on entitlements. Entitlements grow as they have in France, Germany and England to the point they drain the economy of the investment needed to grow and create new business and support innovation. The people of Europe have seemed to have caught on to the fact that it was they themselves that have voted the country into paralyzing stagnation and as a result have recently elected conservative governments to reverse that trend. Unfortunately America seems headed in the opposite direction.

The simple fact of capitalism is that it takes capital to keep the country growing and the people prospering. As our national income is the fountain of that capital it is not surprising that investment capital is so scarce today. The American people no longer save and have been relentlessly consuming all of their income. This has led American venture capitalists to seek investments from off-shore sovereign wealth funds. These factors together with “galloping” socialism are prescription for economic paralysis.

The simple fact is there is an enormous untapped pool of American domestic capital just waiting to be turned into investment capital. It is presently being annually consumed by the entitlement industry in Washington DC. It is payroll taxes confiscated from American worker that should be invested for him or her in the American economy to grow into hundred of trillions that will make each American a millionaires after a 40-year working life. The total payroll tax bill of over a trillion dollars each year if invested in the economy would explode the prosperity of the country and each of its citizens. Then again they would have to understand capitalism and academe, the Democrat Party and their minions in the media have hidden that information from ordinary Americans. And as they never learned it from their parents or their teachers, the American economy is headed for further stagnation and continued poverty all because of ignorance – possibly planned ignorance by those betting on socialism.

Capitalism and privatization can solve poverty and turbo charge the American economy. Remember privatization is what people want. They want their money back from government and want to use it themselves. If you are interested in capitalism and how America can be transformed into a vibrant and prosperous nation of domestically tranquil people go to and learn how easy it can be - and join the revolution.

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