Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why did Chuck Schumer (D-NY) cause IndyMac to fail?

"Very few banks, if any, would remain standing for long in the current tense financial environment after a Senator, in effect, told its depositors to run for the exits. In the 1930s, such tipsters were derided as rumormongers and often faced indictment for encouraging depositors to stampede banks."
The Wall Street Journal,"The $4 Billion Senator," July 15, 2008; Page A18

There is some suspicion that this Democratic Senator from New York has a financial and political interest in ruining this bank:

"A suspicious person might think that a network of lefty attack groups proficient in bank bashing and frequently funded by trial lawyers and short-sellers, coordinated their activities with a law firm on the hunt and a Senator who works closely with the network."
CNBC: "How Chuck Schumer Caused the Second Largest Bank Failure in US History"

The following items come from an astute comment from "netguru" on my last post (from The Neville Awards):
"Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) causes run on IndyMac Bank":

"Large Investor decided to pay a few bucks to a Senator in New York to force the issue."(Prospect Mortgage Backed By Sterling Fund--Private Equity Acquired The Mortgage Branches from Indymac before FDIC takeover)

"And do remember that there are many investment bankers located in New York, making them pretty influential constituents of Sen. Schumer."
Pasadena Star-News

"In a Sunday news conference, he said everything in his letter was already known to the public." If it was already known to the public, what is the reason for his public letter? It is contradict to what he said previouly :"I just bring private message to the public. Do not kill the messanger."
CNN: "Schumer: Don't blame me for IndyMac failure"

New York Times reported that hedge fund managers have a new champion in their effort to keep legally dodging the taxes the rest of us pay: none other than New York Senator Charles Schumer. Now you know who is Schumer's friend and why he caused the bank run on Indymac. He truly support hedge fund and private equity because they truly support him.
The New York Times

Chuck Schumer should not be allowed to get away with this!

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