Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Proof: Obama will turn us into a failed Communist state!

[For corroboration of the article below, check out the charts on todays Wall Street Journal opinion piece "Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession" Here]

An editorial in today's Investors Business Daily was very enlightening about Obama's socialist mentors. Obama's family and teachers have been communists and socialists. From his communist father and relatives, to Socialist Bernie Sanders, from late communist Frank Marshall Davis, who fled Chicago after the FBI and Congress opened investigations into his "subversive," "un-American activities" to Gerald Kellman, a disciple of he late Saul "The Red" Alinsky, a hard-boiled Chicago socialist who wrote the "Rules for Radicals" and agitated for social revolution in America, they are people well grounded in the process of taking wealth from those who earned it and redistributing it to those who didn't.

Read this right now!

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