Friday, July 04, 2008

Marxist rebels linked to Obama

Note from a friend of Rene Guerra: From my ex-Marxist consultant who almost single-handedly orchestrated the first bloodless coup in Latin America (in El Salvador in 1979) as a Marxist. Who better to know the inner workings of the scourge of civilization than one of their own!
The leftist weasel he is, Barack Hussein Obama, quickly, feignedly congratulated Colombian President Alvaro Uribe for the daring rescue a few days ago of 15 hostages that the Marxist-Leninist guerrilla organization FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) had kept captive in the jungles of Colombia, some of them for up to six years. Three or those ex-captives are American citizens.

A critical question arises: How will BHO explain that congratulatory message to Uribe to William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and the rest of Marxist-Leninists in the friendship circle that he kept for a long time? All in that circle are ideological comrades of the FARC guerrillas. There is no doubt that those in BHO’s exclusive friendship circle must be terribly saddened that the FARC suffered such a monumental setback.

The affinity between the FARC and their ideological colleagues in the USA is such that the FARC honchos came to grow high expectations in their favor upon a prospective BHO Presidency, as discovered in a laptop captured by the Colombian army in a raid between February and early March of this year, on a FARC camp in Ecuador, close to the Colombian border. Read the WorldNetDaily report at the bottom.

Note: The WND report misleadingly refers to the FARC as “narco-rebels”. Alas! The FARC are of an authentic Marxist-Leninist cut, and if they have entered into a symbiotic alliance with the drug cartels, it is only because they both have a powerful common enemy: America. Remember that Carlos Leher, a Colombian drug trafficker now rotting in an American penitentiary, once said that “. . . Cocaine is our neutron bomb; it will kill Americans, but it will leave buildings and the rest intact, and in the process, we will make a fortune.”

(The president of Ecuador, an America-hating leftist, and the rest of leftist heads of state in Latin America -- only Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Colombia are not in leftist hands -- are abuzz at the prospect of BHO winning the Presidency of the United States of America.)

In an attempt to beguile the American electorate, BHO is feigning moving to the ideological-center, for, as unabashedly his campaign operatives publicly state, their only objective now is that BHO capture the White House. They say it openly on national TV; in other words, it all is bait ‘n switch. Once in the White House, BHO would inflict on America the switch part of the trick. That’s exactly what Fidel Castro, a Marxist-Leninist since the mid 1940s, did in Cuba once in power.

By the way, Castro participated in “El Bogotazo” (The Blow on Bogota): A communist putsch in 1948 ordered by Stalin to the international Marxist-Leninist mob to take over Colombia by first taking by arms the capital, Bogotá. The putsch failed, and from it eventually grew what became the FARC and other Marxist-Leninist guerrilla organizations in Colombia. Colombia has been under continuous Marxist-Leninist assault for nearly 60 years.

Back to BHO, we all must alert voters of a non-leftist veneer about the gross deception that BHO is inflicting on America. Don’t expect that McCain will do it; he is a perfect fool. He will keep his idiotic sanctimonious airs in terms of treating that scourge of America, Barack Hussein Obama, “. . . with all respect and consideration . . .”, meaning by that that he, McCain, will let BHO get away with whatever he, BHO, schemes to win the presidency.

Fellow Americans, the horrible reality is that we are trapped between an extreme leftist and an extreme fool.

Laptop Links Obama, Chavez, Colombian Revolutionaries: Narco-rebels say Venezuela aiding them, more help coming from Democrat president

God save America!

Meanwhile, have a most Happy 4th of July,
Rene Guerra

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