Wednesday, July 09, 2008


It's becoming increasingly clear what the Democratic campaign strategy is going to be this election season: Vote for Obama or you're a racist. I'm not sure I think too much of this approach to bullying the American electorate into selecting a candidate. Aside from the fact that, if you're a Republican, it's always a mistake to let your adversary define you, it also seems to me to free people from certain otherwise laudatory restraints.

As for me, because I'm preemptively being defined as a racist (since I most certainly won't vote for Obama), I've decided to step up to the plate and embrace that definition. From here on in, I've got my mantra.

When I vote against Obama on November 4, 2008:

a.. It won't be because Obama wants to withdraw from Iraq, which I think will weaken America's interests beyond repair; it will be because I'm a racist.

b.. It won't be because Obama thinks that a nuclear Iran is no threat to the Western World, it will be because I'm a racist.

c.. It won't be because I think it's an incredibly stupid idea for the most powerful nation in the world to approach evil totalitarian dictators as a supplicant, it will be because I'm a racist.

d.. It won't be because I hate the idea of a President who will subordinate America's interests to the UN (as he inevitably will), it will be because I'm a racist.

e.. It won't be because Obama has the thinnest resume ever in the history of Presidential candidates; it will be because I'm a racist.

f.. It won't be because I think Obama's Leftist connections (Ayres, Dohrn, Soros, Pfleger, Wright, etc.) show him to be either stupid about or complicit with an agenda antithetical to basic American values; it will be because I'm a racist.

g.. It won't be because Obama consistently chooses as advisers people who have opted for the wrong side in the completely binary debate about Israel's right to exist, it will be because I'm a racist.

h.. It won't be because Obama wants to socialize American medicine, which I believe will destroy the high quality of medical care available to most Americans, it will be because I'm a racist.

I.. It won't be because Obama wants to gut the military and reduce us to a nation with a big target painted on our collective backside, it will be because I'm a racist.

j.. It won't be because Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and destroy American's Constitutional right to protect themselves from foreign and domestic enemies, it will be because I'm a racist.

k.. It won't be because Obama has already announced loud and clear that he will support activist judges who place their "feelings" above the law, it will be because I'm a racist.

l.. It won't be because Obama supports judicial decisions creating a right to gay marriage, when I think that decision is one for the voters, it will be because I'm a racist.

m.. It won't be because Obama's announced that he will dramatically increase taxes, putting the slow, inflexible, ill-informed government in charge of what should be a quick-reacting, knowledgeable marketplace, it will be because I'm a racist.

n.. It won't be because Obama's record in the Senate (albeit short and undistinguished) has been so liberal he makes Teddy Kennedy look like a reactionary, it will be because I'm a racist.

o.. It won't be because Obama's an open-borders kind of guy, it will be because I'm a racist.

p.. It won't be because Obama has shown himself to be a scarily slow thinker and speaker when released from the teleprompter (which really doesn't bode well for those cozy private chats with Ahmadinejad, Jong-Il, and Assad), it will be because I'm a racist.

q.. It won't be because Obama's wife clearly loathes America and everything it stands for, despite the fact that she's done pretty well out of it, it will be because I'm a racist.

r.. It won't be because Obama was affiliated for more than 20 years with a church that preached white hatred and began to care only when it looked as if it would affect his campaign, it will be because I'm a racist.

s.. It won't be because Obama was good buddies with Tony Rezko, and other sleazy characters (showing again that Obama was complicit or a singularly bad judgment of character), it will be because I'm a racist.

t.. It won't be beca use Obama's a compulsive liar who clearly thinks we in the public are too stupid to catch up with his lies, it will be because I'm a racist.

u.. It won't be because Obama's campaign has proven to be fly-paper for every two bit troofer and anti-Semite in America, it will be because I'm a racist.

v.. It won't be because Obama's promised already to start down the totalitarian path of purging his predecessors through criminal prosecutions, it will be because I'm a racist.

All things considered, when I think about being a racist as I've defined it, not as they have, let me say it loud and let me say it proud:

On November 4, 2008, I am not voting for Obama!

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