Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obama's real roots


Pay special attention to this:

Jeremiah Wright is a guest on the Sean Hannity show here (00:07:23) and then it gets to this:

"Liberation Theology exploded onto the Central American political landscape as a Marxist strategy for undermining the teachings of legitimate Catholocism in hopes of expanding government control." (00:07:30)

And this:

"If God is not for us, and against White People, then he is a murderer and we had better kill him!" (00:08:44)

And how about this:

Reverend Jeremiah Wright hates Jews (00:10:35)

But we started with this:

Obama doesn't repudiate the man he claims was his spiritual mentor for 20 years (Jeremiah Wright) (00:05:59)

Still want this man to be your President?


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