Saturday, April 05, 2008

How Obama will rob you of your American dream

The War the People Are Losing

Dick McDonald

Like you never fight a war with a weapon you don't have, you never make an investment with funds you don't have. Yet Barack Obama has said his plan to raise the tax on dividends and capital gains by 66% from 15% to 25% should not affect "investment decisions". And your local version of Pravda treats this absurdity as gospel from heaven. They pawn this off as revenge of the people against those with capital who have been investing such savings growing the economy, starting and expanding businesses and creating new jobs.

And who are the hardest hit by raising taxes and crippling investment capital - of course the least fortunate in society as their economic opportunities are the first to be reduced by a lack of funding.

Another trick the Obamas use is the claim they are only going to tax those making more than $250,000 a year. Now if you think about it the object in a capitalist economy is to climb the ladder of success and create businesses and employ people to make America and yourself more prosperous. Now Obama wants to cut the water off for those people making the American economy work and give great sums to the government to waste on the unproductive programs they have instituted over the last 70 years,

Obama not only wants to increase income taxes he promises to lift the cap on payroll taxes and add another 15% tax on top of the increase of 10% on income taxes on the very people that are making America grow. With state taxes that will take productive Americans way over the 50% tax on income level.

All these taxes will go into the government's coffers and be wasted on immediate consumption programs. Programs designed to tease the people into believing their interests are being served by the Democrat party when in fact the very opposite is true. They are taking the very lifeblood of capitalism, investment capital, and burning it up in the furnace of socialism. That has never worked and it won't this time.

All this talk of middle-class tax cuts at the expense of the rich hides the devil in the woodpile - Social Security and Medicare funding. These taxes insure the poor and middle-class never get a pool of capital to invest in the American economy. The 15.3%sent to Washington for the working life of every American is wasted on consumption and never invested to fund an affluent retirement. Instead a piddling safety net is provided if you live long enough. It is only sufficient to keep one from starving to death.

If you are a real American and want to head off the impending disaster of tax increases, benefit cuts and the inflation that is eating away any chance most have of achieving the American Dream read here, contribute to the cause and join the fight to allow capitalism to eliminate poverty in our time.

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