Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to get rich

Break Socialism’s Back
Start A Capitalist Revolution
Teach Your Teachers A Lesson

One way to destroy socialism is to take away the perception that socialism can deliver the “common good”. Academics may embrace it theoretically but in practice socialism has never has nor will it ever deliver the “common good.” Therefore why don’t practical people attack it at its weakest point – the entitlement fallacy. Entitlements have never made the poor rich. They have just put a band aid on socialism’s perpetuation of poverty. Man needs to replace entitlements with a plan that makes the poor rich – rich enough to make their own way in this world - and there is a way capitalism can do just that.

If so, America’s youth needs to start a capitalist revolution to reverse the creeping socialism that plagues the free world

The Rise Up America plan employs capitalism and lets that economic miracle eradicate poverty from the American experience. It does so by not asking Americans for tax dollars to redistribute to the poor - nor does it ask the poor to invest that which they don’t have. It merely diverts those monies presently taken by the government in the form of payroll taxes and places those monies in a personal investment account owned by each individual taxpayer who immediately invests those funds in America’s capital markets.

Leaving those funds in the personal investment account to compound into millions throughout his or her working life allows a retiree to afford an affluent retirement, the best medical care on the planet, a million-dollar nest egg to will to the kids and freedom from a dependence on government. The millions in their personal accounts deliver the American Dream of financial independence that socialism promises but capitalism delivers

We hope to arm the American youth with the Rise Up Theory of Economics with which to fight this battle and instruct their revolution.

The Rise Up Theory of Economics does for the poor and middle class what the "Trickle Down" Theory did for the rich - it makes them wealthy. It is a simple concept, It redirects the 15.3% presently paid by individuals (and in the case of employees, their employers too) in the form of payroll taxes into a personally-owned investment account that will grow into millions over the citizen's working life. The funds are invested in safe indexed stock funds that have historically been growing at an average rate of over 10% for the last 30 years. See the schedules, tables and graphs at to verify the millions an ordinary American can accumulate during their working life and the history of the rates of return on indexed stock funds.

This is not a Republican or a Democrat plan but an American plan. A plan that transcends politics and immediately creates an American economy annually infused with over $1.3 trillion of new capital with which to grow at a more rapid rate than at any time in its history.

Adopting Rise Up will not only make America and Americans wealthier it will reduce the size of government by half; generate the biggest tax cut in history; pay off all unfunded entitlement liabilities; economically emancipate women and minorities;; reduce crime, poverty and gangs; eliminate the need for government pensions and Medicare; eliminate the need for business to fund retirement needs and a myriad of other benefits – see the Mission Statement at

Under the Rise Up plan, the government will guarantees to pay all benefits presently payable to retirees and welfare recipients under existing programs. The amounts so payable will be forever frozen at existing levels and the government will guarantee they won’t be altered.

The Rise Up plan also includes a unique method to finance the transition from existing programs like Social Security and Medicare to personal investment accounts. An exciting feature of that method will be the manner in which it will increase the value of the US dollar internationally.

All organizations and individuals interested in improving the American experience are invited to endorse and promote the Rise Up America plan. Please contact Dick McDonald, Managing Director of the Ownership Society Institute* at 818-998-6800 or e-mail him at for further details.

It is important that the youth if America “rise up” and take charge of its future. The path to further stagnation through socialism must be reversed. Taxing the rich is a failed prescription – un taxing the poor and middle-class is the prescription to free Americans and enable all of them to reach the American Dream – painlessly. Take that to your teacher and see if he or she supports making the poor rich or if he or she is in favor of keeping the poor permanently poor?

The Ownership Society Institute is a new think tank dedicated to increasing the wealth and property of all Americans and the reduction of taxes imposed on them. It sponsors ideas and plans that reduce the size of the Federal and state governments while at the same time increasing the efficiency of their constitutionally mandated responsibilities. It sponsors the enactment of the Rise Up Theory of Economics and the elevation of the power of the individual over the power of the state. It opposes the weaknesses that the state imposes by making its citizens rely too heavily on government to so lve their problems and fund their failures. See

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