Saturday, March 29, 2008

Does anyone really care about kids anymore?

Sexualization of children and teens may seem hip or cool as promoted by the secular-progressive agenda (which is counter to traditional values), but the outcome is not so nice:

After 14 years in decline, the birthrate for American teens ages 15 to 19 jumped by 3% between 2005 and 2006. Out-of-wedlock births for all women rose 7% in 2006, and about 40% of all unmarried women giving birth are in cohabiting relationships. -- National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (, December 6, 2007; Reuters, December 5, 2007, via Plugged In online)

Healthy, happy children are the result of good homes with caring Mothers and Fathers. Nothing good ever comes from promoting lifestyles that produce disease and dysfunction.

Having lived through the '60's, I can vouch that "free love" made women the losers and was a triumph for guys that wanted no responsibility for their own actions thus leaving a whole generation with the results of unwanted pregnancies and sexual diseases.

And as for protecting children once they are here, the most liberal states in America fight the hardest against laws protecting children from vicious child predators.

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