Wednesday, February 13, 2008


1. Making the poor and middle-class rich

2. Making America wealthier

3. Cutting the national budget in half – eliminating the entitlement bureaucracy

4. Enacting the biggest tax cut in history

5. Immediately extinguishing $45 trillion in unfunded entitlement debt

6. Flooring old age benefits at their present levels – forever guaranteed

7. Taking the national savings rate from -1 ½ % to positive 15%

8. Annually infusing over $1.3 trillion of new capital into the economy

9. Eliminating the need for business to cover retirement costs for workers

10. Immediately reducing the national debt from $9 trillion to $5 trillion.

11. Reducing the need for millions of public and private retirement plans

12. Stabilizing and increasing the value of the dollar internationally

13. Reducing crime and incarceration caused by financial hardship

14. Economically emancipating women

15. Reduce labor-management conflicts and costs

16. Eliminate the need for state and local government retirement plans

17. Ending endemic poverty

18. Giving hope to the powerless

19. Getting a pool of capital for everyone to participate in the economy

20. Eliminating the socialism of the government’s entitlement bureaucracy

21. Return power to the people

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