Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some people get it

Some people "get it" judging by one of the comments here by someone named Paranam: Dutch Braced For 'Koran Insult' Backlash
There is a portion of the Muslim population that does hold extreme views that are incompatible with Western civilization and democracy. The percentage of Muslims that believe in the following is hard to calculate. It is probably large, but not a majority.

1.  The interpretation of jihad as a duty to convert non-Muslims to Islam by force.

2.  The rejection of the separation of church and state.

3.  The rejection of Western laws based on Judeo / Christian / Roman / Greek foundations.

4.  The belief that all people, even non-Muslims, must obey Sharia law and duties.

5.  The rejection of women’s political rights.

6.  The segregation of women and their subjugation to second-class status.

7.  The circumcision of young women.

8.  The refusal to integrate into, and follow the rules, of western societies.

9.  Honor killing of Muslims who date or marry non-Muslims.

10.  Honor killing of non-Muslims who try to convert Muslims.

11.  Violent attacks on anyone who questions or criticizes Islam.

I have no doubt that many Muslims who emigrate to the West are not interested in melting into Western society. Rather they hope to convert the West to Islam by persuasion- if possible, or force- if necessary. This view makes them invaders, not immigrants.

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