Thursday, January 03, 2008


These three positions on Pakistan are so totally mind-boggling that I think I'll just have to take LSD (the intellectual equivalent of throwing the cards up in the air) if one of these jokers becomes President!

"I mean, that's what this election is all about. Returning to our principles, standing against terrorists like Musharraf.." --Democratic candidate Bill Richardson to CNN's John Roberts, 1/3/08
NOTE TO DEMOCRATS: When Roberts pointed out how the candidate had labelled Musharraf, who has held onto the Bush administration's strong backing despite widespread enmity on the Pakistani street, Richardson insisted that "I called him a tyrant. It's 5:30." --DeadlineUSA
"If President Musharraf wishes to stand for election," [Senator Clinton] told Blitzer, "then he should abide by the same rules that every other candidate will have to follow."
NOTE TO DEMOCRATS: "The upcoming elections are for the next parliament. Musharraf was just elected president of Pakistan, overwhelmingly, by popularly elected electors on Oct. 6. He's just begun his five-year term as the president of the country. Why would he ever want to run for one seat in parliament? It wouldn't make sense." -- Pakistan analyst Thomas Houlahan
"...they are causing us problems, and they are still plotting to do harm to America." Barak Obama speaking at a townhall in Nevada, Iowa on 12/27/07.
NOTE TO DEMOCRATS: " an August 2007 speech on counterterrorism [Obama] argued the United States should strike Pakistan unilaterally if they find actionable intelligence about al-Qaeda terrorist camps there and Pakistan fails to act. The speech was criticized by some as overreaching in terms of foreign policy. But Obama frequently cites it now when pointing to the turmoil in Pakistan to say that he was right." --Posted 12/27/07 by NBC/NJ's Aswini Anburajan

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